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College Living situtaion


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I am looking for a little advice on a idea I have been pondering. Right now I am going through flight school for the army reserves, and upon finishing this I go back to Corpus Christi, Texas. As of now I plan to go back to college to finish my degree (or start a new one). One of my buddies who used to work commercial real estate gave me an idea that upon returning to Texas I should buy a four-plex and rent out the other three apartments living in one myself and hopefully having "free" rent.


I know I have a lot of research that I need to do and have two books on the way on this subject. Though as of now I plan on using my VA loan to purchase the property. Idea of mine is to not use this property as a income for myself, but invest any profit into a account in case of repairs, and after I get a good bugger I plan on adding any extra to the mortgage.


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He never said that he'd be renting to other college students. In that type of situation, I'd say that you could probably pick and choose who your tenants would be, ultimately reducing risks like late payments and damages. I've been living in a Marine town (Jacksonville, NC) for about 4 years now and we see this sort of thing all the time. One Marine will rent or buy a house, and fill the other rooms up with his friends, making a small profit in the long run. A multi-plex would be even better, simply because they'd all be seperate and you wouldn't have to interact with the other tenants if you didn't want to. This is something that you can't avoid if just renting out rooms in a house.
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Way off, I am currently at Ft Rucker, Al for flight school, and I will be moving to Corpus Christi, Texas to do this. I just know some of you guy's have experience in rental properties and figured I would ask.


I also will get to pick and choose my tenants . I figured paint the whole thing pink and rent to rich sorority snobs that have their mom and dad pitching the bill. lol j/k

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Do you know anything about basic and, sometimes advanced, maintenance? Things go wrong all the time, I know, I fixed them full time. You need to be prepared to fix things correctly and quickly, especially the unexpected things.
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Someone once explained it to me like this...


You never want to rent part of the place you also own. Its like having a girlfriend that you have invested a lot of time, money, and effort into. You let 3 other guys come over and join in on this relationship. They fuck the dog piss out of her while you have to sit there and watch all the dirty shit that they do to her and then you get to see the aftermath. Then (when their lease is up) they leave and you are left with their destruction and one fucked up vag (or house).


Make sense?

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Personally, i wouldnt. You've already got enough on your plate with starting a new major or finishing whatever you have already started and im guessing your obligation to the reserves aswell. A VA loan will always be there when you want it, even after your done with school. But thats my opinion.
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