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Bring Back "The Kitchen"

Guest Hal

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Paging Kevin to the thread, graph needed!


Hal shall forevermore be known as "Hal the Baptist", the one who foretold of the coming of the triumvirate, Eli, Tilley and myself, with Kevin reprising the role of the Apostle Paul. Come, all ye sinners, and be baptised in the fires of...


...The Kitchen!

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look what i found!!





You seriously want to attempt to blame someone else for "thread shitting"? Wow, I guess I'm a little shocked that you're so oblivious to the amount of worthless, off topic, and unoriginal garbage you post. Apart from your failure to avoid being a hypocrite, you have stolen another persons graphic brilliance in an attempt to make it your own? I give you a 0/10 for this post.


Let's do a quick comparison between you and me.

Me: Organized a whole summer of QS&L meets so CR could avoid the typical ricer crowds, moderated the Tech section, was active in other CR meets from IPS to the myriad of other places we've tried to make home, offered advice to the depressed or useless on ways out of their horrid lives, etc...


You: Useless sponsor, ruins every thread replied to, probably couldn't point out a single worthwhile member of CR IRL, can't come up with an original comment or troll ploy, etc...


Frankly, I don't think you have the brains to contend with me in any arena. If I had normal human emotions, I might even feel bad for pointing out how useless your existence is.


Come at me bro.

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Haha ok. You want to engage in an intellectual battle with me, sure. Im game.


You: gnome, troll, arrogant, a worthless fuck in everyway possible. You must think relatively highly of yourself, I would too, making it out of the slums of Columbus, moving up the world, shit, you pounded dough at Panera. Im glad for you you’re able to follow directions to make bread let alone form sentences to try to make a complete stranger look bad online. And you think that’s impressive that you were able to organize a bunch of goons such as yourself for an ENTIRE year. WOW. That is pretty impressive. I never thought anyone could cattle nitwits such as yourself for an entire summer, let alone one night. Golf clap for you sir.


Me: a fool at times, enthusiastic, a dickhead, always willing to lend a hand, to the point. Sorry my foolishness has led you to believe, at least from my most recent posts, that I am on your level of intelligence….my bad. But let me be clear, we are not. You may think your wittiness shows off your supreme intelligence, but lets be honest, you’re fronting like a bitch on prom night. You have none. And to get back to the whole organization skills you have, or lack thereof in this case, try organizing a hundred people from 6 states 3 years in a row. Then you can come blabbermouth to me how you can throw together a group of people locally. If you would like proof, im more than able and willing to show you.



So lets recap, my ten minute excel/photoshop chart had no wit to it, ill agree, but that’s not what I was necessarily trying to deliver, but take it as you will. Ill be more than glad to waste another ten minutes trying to make one for you that you could understand. Oh wait, my 2500 hundred dollar iMac doesn’t have paint. I cant make anything childish enough for you. Sorry bruh. That was my dickhead side if you weren’t able to catch what I was throwing down.


Have a wonderful night Hal, im looking forward to another wonderful day of watching you talk yourself up. Toddles.

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Blah blah blah blah blah.


You: Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.


Me: Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.


...Oh wait, my 2500 hundred dollar iMac doesn’t have paint.



Sucks to be you. PC FTW!

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Haha ok. You want to engage in an intellectual battle with me, sure. Im game.


You: gnome, troll, arrogant, a worthless fuck in everyway possible. You must think relatively highly of yourself, I would too, making it out of the slums of Columbus, moving up the world, shit, you pounded dough at Panera. Im glad for you you’re able to follow directions to make bread let alone form sentences to try to make a complete stranger look bad online. And you think that’s impressive that you were able to organize a bunch of goons such as yourself for an ENTIRE year. WOW. That is pretty impressive. I never thought anyone could cattle nitwits such as yourself for an entire summer, let alone one night. Golf clap for you sir.


Me: a fool at times, enthusiastic, a dickhead, always willing to lend a hand, to the point. Sorry my foolishness has led you to believe, at least from my most recent posts, that I am on your level of intelligence….my bad. But let me be clear, we are not. You may think your wittiness shows off your supreme intelligence, but lets be honest, you’re fronting like a bitch on prom night. You have none. And to get back to the whole organization skills you have, or lack thereof in this case, try organizing a hundred people from 6 states 3 years in a row. Then you can come blabbermouth to me how you can throw together a group of people locally. If you would like proof, im more than able and willing to show you.



So lets recap, my ten minute excel/photoshop chart had no wit to it, ill agree, but that’s not what I was necessarily trying to deliver, but take it as you will. Ill be more than glad to waste another ten minutes trying to make one for you that you could understand. Oh wait, my 2500 hundred dollar iMac doesn’t have paint. I cant make anything childish enough for you. Sorry bruh. That was my dickhead side if you weren’t able to catch what I was throwing down.


Have a wonderful night Hal, im looking forward to another wonderful day of watching you talk yourself up. Toddles.

Where to start...


I'm not from Columbus to start with, so you've already lost credibility just 5 sentences in. As a side note, I'm counting sentences based on your periods. That being said, the count would differ for someone with better grammatical skills (intellectual battle here). Correct, I worked at Panera. Should I be ashamed of this? I'm confused how Chris' slipping information to you about my former employers really helps your case. Since I love talking about myself, I'll note that I was recruited by the President of Stanley Black and Decker IAS to start a brand new, national, multi-million dollar business unit. I guess that would be my version of making it out of the slums of old Westerville...


As far as meet organization, that's really a topic for another thread. It's also a topic which would seem lost on you. I guess it's just too comfortable for you to hide behind internet anonymity. Really, I'm not even positive what point you were trying to make there. Was this just a stretch to try to attack some perceived vulnerability? I guess I'll take the same route, as it's so easy. If you're going to call someone a nitwit, please don't fuck up a common saying. You should have said "I never thought anyone could corral nitwits such as yourself for one night, let alone an entire summer."


Moving on... You don't even seem to be able to figure out which intelligence level you're really on. Do you have split personalities? Let me note that you have not led me to believe you are on my level. I don't even believe you are on Phil's level. Come on, you can't even come up with a better analogy than "...fronting like a bitch on prom night."


Organizational skills probably aren't the best point for you to bring up. Let's remember the national business unit I designed. When you come up with something better than that, we can talk.


Am I supposed to be happy for you? Did you think it was special that it took you 10 minutes to come up with a graph like that? Now that you feel really accomplished, you want to bring up money? Again, not a good choice for you. I'm happy that you could afford your $2500 Mac, that's really cool. I've wasted $2500 on shit before too. Come on little fella, if you want to play a game of dollars, we can throw that in with my organizational skills.


I honestly pity you. It's sad that you have such an inflated ego. You're probably going to be really down when you come out of your manic phase and realize just how inadequate you are. You seem to be exhibiting signs of Bipolar disorder, likely level 1. The delusions of grandeur and your impulsive spending habits ($2500 brick) are really concerning. I'm worried that when you come out of the manic phase, you may enter into a deep depression. This may be accompanied with thoughts of suicide. This is the really troubling part. I want you to know that I am here for you. I would be happy to help you through those suicidal thoughts. I know sometimes you feel like a failure (you compensate by talking up trivial conquests and meaningless possessions). I just want you to know that you are truly a complete and utter failure. There are so many ways to end yourself, please let me know if you would like me to find a fool proof one for you.


Come back at me, bro.

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Damn, you’re a natural born talent. You’re better than me in every aspect. I think your ethug skills trump even Mike aka rust rocket. Im so happy for you. I glad I had the opportunity to verbally duke it out with me but 1 round was enough. Youre too good. Have a wonderful night. Ill go breathe that water you told me to earlier. Seems like a good idea. Thanks for the tip buddy.
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