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Extreme Couponing...


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Anyone watch this show on TLC, bitchs be crazy.


Mostly stay at home moms, spending hours planning grocery shopping trips that then take hours to shop and end up paying a small percentage of the actual bill (think paying 5$ for a $600 haul) fucking nuts.

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they just end up with a bunch of shit they don't even use because it's free or almost free....a lot of them donate the stuff, though


but it's like hoarding...these people have huge stockpiles of stuff in the garages, basements, etc




watched a little bit of this with my wife. the time/effort spent (buying multiple newspapers, driving all over to find circulars, spending hours on the internet looking for coupons, and then hours arranging everything and 'planning' the trip), is not offset by having tons of 'junk' groceries. the one lady spent less than $100 on $1600 worth of groceries, but had something like 64 bottles of mustard---wtf. this show should be on right before 'hoarding'.

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I hate coupons lol, and standing behind anyone who is using them...


Ill use the ones that are like "free sandwich" at Arbys or something, but I dont think thats what this thread is about anyway.


I am intrigued about this show though. sounds interesting

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my girls mom is a stay at home mom an is a bigggg coupon person.. shes so crafty an clever she paid for my gfs sisters wedding dress(1300$) an liquor(2k) for the wedding all in rebates from coupons...



we saved 75$ off a 120$ shopping trip last week... an it wasent crap stuff eatheir just every day shoppin trip.


i never used to do it an probably wont do it but my girls starting to do it an dam we save a ton of money woo!

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The one lady in Philadelphia was about the only one who had a worthwhile shopping trip. She actually got useful groceries that a family could use on a weekly basis.
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The one lady in Philadelphia was about the only one who had a worthwhile shopping trip. She actually got useful groceries that a family could use on a weekly basis.


the contractor's wife? yeah she was the only one i saw who actually had meat and food not just 84 cases of right gaurd. One thing i wondered is how they expect to go through all this shit? And what about produce or do they plan on eating just canned and dry goods the rest of their lives?


I think its cool they get free shit but the time they invest just to stockpile shit they'll NEVER use. The only part i would agree with is the guy who bought 1000 boxes of total cereal for free after coupons, he didnt keep them he donated all of them to a food bank. Something like that is a good idea.


My sister started using coupons alot, i might but no way would i do it to this degree... besides i dont have the storage space in my apartment to store 186 bottls of mustard and 64 bottles of baby powder etc...

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I watched the show last night and it is insane. Contractors wife wasn't bad looking though :) She walked with $680 in food for less than $9. I just think that in itself is fucking amazing. However to have 75 boxes of cereal in my master closet? Nuts.


I'm all for a good deal and getting free food, but seriously, make a trip to your local homeless shelter before you go home. This crazy bitch was talking about going home and enjoying the view of her "stockpile" WTF ??? Guns/Ammo sure, cereal and toothpaste......NO.


I absolutely use coupons, mostly electronic, but then Kroger store brand items are what we use most. 99.9% of them are the same as brand label stuff. Heinz Ketchup 40oz is like $3.50, Kroger is like $1.25 on sale. Zero difference in taste. So unless Heinz is BOGO and I have a coupon, the store brand is still a better deal.


I get most of our beef and pork at Sam's club. they will cut it up and trim it however I want so I shed 40% of the waste at the store before I buy it. You can also negotiate with them on how they will price it if you're cool about it.

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All of these "hauls" were just for TV. All those stores have coupon policies which they broke for these camera crews. It's true you can save a ton of money, but it's not like this everytime. Most stores don't double coupons over .50 and you can't use double coupons over 2-6 of the same item. It's a good marketing ploy by groceries and food companies though. I use coupons a lot, it saves a ton of cash.


The only store that you can do really well on getting stuff for free and really cheap around here is CVS. Sometimes you'll get paid to take things out of the store after their reward bucks print out.




Anyone who is serious they want to try it. This is a good website to check out. They basically do everything for you, tell you what date the coupon came from, what insert it came from, and do the math for you.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Update: I went coupon shopping last sunday. While my saving's werent extreme and i didnt stock up on 800 toothbrush's i saved $42.66 and my total bill was like $55.31 savings on 42%. Not too bad considering i bought all stuff that i would've normally purchased eventually and it didnt take 35hrs to prepare.
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They all seemed to have pretty good sized families so I'd bet that stuff doesn't last as long as we might think. I thought a lot of it was really overboard and the idea of them stockpiling that stuff and preventing me from buying kinda pissed me off. Nothing worse than going to get a specific item and the store being out. I never get a rain check and if I do I always lose the damn thing.


The one guy who was giving a large amount of it to homeless shelters was pretty cool. I'm sure he writes off the full retail price of that stuff on his taxes though :)


The one girl used a coupon matching program to look at her local adds and match coupons up to them. Anyone know of a good program to do this? All the coupons we seem to get are for new crap they want you to buy or crap they cant sell and its never stuff we use.

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The one girl used a coupon matching program to look at her local adds and match coupons up to them. Anyone know of a good program to do this? All the coupons we seem to get are for new crap they want you to buy or crap they cant sell and its never stuff we use.


If you go to southernsavers.com they have all different stores weekly ads and coupons that match up with that particular sale and tell you where the coupon came from (sometimes printable, sometimes the sunday ads and they give you the week it came out.)

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That show is very set-up. People don't stand around and clap or congradulate they get pissed cause they have a job they are on lunch from and these people are holding up the line for an hour. For the love of god these people need to get a retail license and resell this stuff or something. The amount of crap that expires and goes bad under their toddlers bed has to be redicolous.
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