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So after the Admin/Mod meeting last night...


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Does knowing that, make you want to be a Mod even more? If so, Wags can pull the trigger.






Not really, then I would have responsibilities. I'm content just being an asshole, nothing more and nothing less. I say again, there is no way Anthony (or any other admin) will make me a mod. Believe the hype.


PS. This thread was an 8/10 on the troll scale. I rate it so high because people believed a mass exodus of "relevant" members took place. The reality of cleaning out the trash is much less exciting.

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I am not changing your Contact in my Phone to "Token Black Guy". Black Brian, it will stay.






If CR made a movie I would die in the first 10 minutes. In the opening scene Linn would challenge me to a 40 roll by the edge of a cliff. I would lock the race in for $148k and pinks to an 02 Cougar. Running me off the road I would dramatically fly off the cliff. Bursting into a big ball of fire I would later be used as inspiration for another racer to win.

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If CR made a movie I would die in the first 10 minutes. In the opening scene Linn would challenge me to a 40 roll by the edge of a cliff. I would lock the race in for $148k and pinks to an 02 Cougar. He would run me off the road and I would fly off the cliff. Bursting into a huge ball of fire to later be used as inspiration for another racer to win later in the film.


I will be your second cumming.

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Not really, then I would have responsibilities. I'm content just being an asshole, nothing more and nothing less. I say again, there is no way Anthony (or any other admin) will make me a mod. Believe the hype.


PS. This thread was an 8/10 on the troll scale. I rate it so high because people believed a mass exodus of "relevant" members took place. The reality of cleaning out the trash is much less exciting.


Hal wins, please contact the black guy for your prize. If he asks you to "snuggle" that is not the prize, you will need to show the officers where he touched you.

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