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Apple to ship new iPhone in September


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I had the first android phone for just over 2 years before switching over the the iphone 4. For all the fags saying android is soo much better, its not really the case. After using my iPhone for about 2 months now I must say that I absultely love it. Why...? Because it works. it never freezes, crashes, or shuts off randomly. Its fast as shit, and the "limitations" people talk about don't exist, unless your on verizon. there are virtually unlimited apps for it, ive never not found something i was looking for for free.


Haters gonna hate.



Yes, I bet using some old beat-dick android phone vs a new Iphone it will feel snappier. All you've done is cement where you live in the technical realm.



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But I do agree that fragmentation is a problem, which Google already has a solution to it. They are now going to make manufacturers sign an agreement to not modify Android in anyway if they want the latest version. If they don't want to sign they will have to wait for Google to release the source code publicly. If you've noticed, Honeycomb has been out on tablets for a while now, yet the source code still hasn't been released. This way you keep it open source, and keep fragmentation down.


Wait... an OS code that google isn't distributing? Code Google isn't letting manufacturers modify? That's an OPEN platform? Hold on, let me GOOGLE that.


Nope, not open. Welcome to iOS version 4.3.Honeycomb.

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Wait... an OS code that google isn't distributing? Code Google isn't letting manufacturers modify? That's an OPEN platform? Hold on, let me GOOGLE that.


Nope, not open. Welcome to iOS version 4.3.Honeycomb.


No it's still open, it's just that manufacturers that sign the agreement to not modify it will get it first. Google will still release the source code to the public. I like this idea, motoblur sucks, Sense has it ups and downs...just stick to vanilla android.


Altough if it wasn't for Sense, a lot of Android features would probably not be built in.

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You further my point. Why doesn't it come like that out of the box? Why do I need to break my $500 phone to get it to do what I want?


and what is it that you want your phone to do that requires an iphone to be jail broken?

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Saw that today, it's funny, it says I was in Vegas in October of 2010, yeah my time card shows me at work that day. It says my phone is all over Ohio on days I can prove I wasn't there. It's not very accurate.


Or it's a calculated offset for the real location? It wont stop me from using my iPhone.

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You further my point. Why doesn't it come like that out of the box? Why do I need to break my $500 phone to get it to do what I want?
Why do you need to mod a car? It's perfect straight from the factory? Why do you put virus software on a pc? Why do you wear shoes when your feet were made to carry you?


I like my iPhone, it's the ONLY apple product I own. I may get an android next phone but I haven't found one thAt I had fun messing around with as much as my iPhone. I have a 3GS and my husband has my old 3G. Neither of us has need for another phone anytime soon.


Paid 20 bucks for my "upgrade" and paid 199 for my 3G 2.5 years ago. Both are JBd.

Stil won't get this next version phone either. No need as my current one is pretty nice.

Open source is the same thing as jailbreaking.

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Just got a 3GS last month. First apple product I've owned. Like it alot and play with it all the time with like a million free apps loaded. Now will I go and buy another apple product? No, but the iPhone is the most kickass phone I've had. Edited by 351mach1
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