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Sport vs Game

V8 Beast

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I got into an age old debate this morning and figured why not bring it back up here.


To me a sport involves offense, and defense. If you can use your skill to prevent someone from using their skills its a sport. Running track, golf, bowling, etc. take a lot of skill but your opponent cant do anything to stop you. Lacrosse, volleyball, baseball, etc you can directly have an impact on both offense and defense to control the game. IN MY OPINION if you are trying to outscore someone and they cannot impact your score its a game not a sport.. however the definition states its basically anything the exerts energy and uses athleticism to out-perform another. Based on that definition trolling while doing handstands could be a sport :rolleyes:

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So is NASCAr a sport or a game? Golf? Drag racing?


In nascar you have to have endurance to control the car, and you can drive defensively to prevent passing. If in front you can choose to out run or slow down and block... Sport. If it were a game there would be one car on the track at a time trying to beat the best time.


Drag racing you go in a straight line. If you impede the other person in any way you are disqualified.. game


Golf - You try to out score each other with no direct contact and even move your ball out of the way at times so the other person isn't inconvenienced... game


Like swimming.. takes crazy athletisism, but you cant defensively swim. You will never see Phelps crossing lanes and slowing down to prevent passing.

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BTW, if I'm out at a bar and I cockblock the shit out of some other dude.. that's not game, it's sport?


Based on the definition your trips to the gay bar are a sport. So is the extra thought and phsyical excertion it takes to get your car over a speedbump to reach work before a set time.

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Based on the definition your trips to the gay bar are a sport. So is the extra thought and phsyical excertion it takes to get your car over a speedbump to reach work before a set time.


Actually, it's a game to me.. kinda like taking some Nyquil and trying to beat off before passing out. Or wait, would that be a sport since I'm playing both offense and defense to myself?

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Actually, it's a game to me.. kinda like taking some Nyquil and trying to beat off before passing out. Or wait, would that be a sport since I'm playing both offense and defense to myself?


If we called it a sport you would be suspended for drug use so lets call it a game.

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So I agree on most points for you but when I hear the word sport I think of a competition, rather it's defensive or strategic. Golf is a sport to me because your pitting your skill against theirs. Think about it this way if golfer a is ahead by 3 strokes on the last 3 holes, techinically it's putting pressure on you to hit a certain number in theory being a defense because all defense does is provide pressure to throw off the offense's objective.
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So I agree on most points for you but when I hear the word sport I think of a competition, rather it's defensive or strategic. Golf is a sport to me because your pitting your skill against theirs. Think about it this way if golfer a is ahead by 3 strokes on the last 3 holes, techinically it's putting pressure on you to hit a certain number in theory being a defense because all defense does is provide pressure to throw off the offense's objective.


Causing pressure is relative. If the person is confident there will be no pressure. Plus if the other person is already done they cant do anything but watch. When you have to "hope" the other person doesnt catch you its a game... imo.

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Causing pressure is relative. If the person is confident there will be no pressure. Plus if the other person is already done they cant do anything but watch. When you have to "hope" the other person doesnt catch you its a game... imo.


The hole in your logic is emotion though. And it doesn't matter that the person is sitting watching, they were applying pressure from the first tee. The game isn't a game at the end. But I enjoy the argument either way

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Most of you have thought about this a lot more than I have, but that won't stop me from posting :p That seems to be the norm now.


I once heard a very simple test of telling what is and what is not a sport: If a 75 year old can beat you at it, it's not a sport. I believe this was said in reference to golf IIRC.


Do you think the concept of teams has any bearing on the distinction? In my mind, if there aren't teams, taking to the field at the same time, it's not a sport. I guess it's a weird way to think about it. To my way of thinking, it makes capture the flag, laser tag, and dodgeball sports, but not track or downhill skiing. Baseball prolly not either, since most of one team stays off the field.


Interesting thought, BC.

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Most of you have thought about this a lot more than I have, but that won't stop me from posting :p That seems to be the norm now.


I once heard a very simple test of telling what is and what is not a sport: If a 75 year old can beat you at it, it's not a sport. I believe this was said in reference to golf IIRC.


Do you think the concept of teams has any bearing on the distinction? In my mind, if there aren't teams, taking to the field at the same time, it's not a sport. I guess it's a weird way to think about it. To my way of thinking, it makes capture the flag, laser tag, and dodgeball sports, but not track or downhill skiing. Baseball prolly not either, since most of one team stays off the field.


Interesting thought, BC.


I have to say I agree with you even though there is that big gray area as mentioned. When I hear the word sport I initially think of a team game. On the other hand when I sit and think more about the subject there are some non team sports like boxing that come to mind. On the other hand golf takes 2 people, but I'm still not convinced its a sport due to the lack of defense.

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Sport = an activity engaged in for the purpose of competition and deciding a winner.


Game = an activity wherein the primary purpose is entertainment or pleasure.


Hmm? It's all I got for now.

this answer this

How does the term "sport fuck" fall into all this?


"She was just a sport fuck"


Was it a sport or a game?


It's game - so why is it called a sport?

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