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goodbye cr...


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Farewell CR... as many of you know I leave for the army today(actually at the airport typing this) an will be at basic and ait at fort sill oklahoma until September...


Just wanted to say thank you to all the people I've met over the years.. the good and the bad the ugly. I've met some really awesome people. And have enjoyed dragging half of cr around by a neon...


Its been fun. See you guys around when I'm in town briefly or see you all in a few years when I'm out. Thanks again.



Ps: this is my gift to you all I won't be posting on cr for like 4 months haha

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All said and done, for the few times we've met, you're a cool guy and I wish you all the best. Good luck with lies ahead and when you get back to posting on CR, you'll likely be a little thinner, a little smarter, a little tougher and a whole lot more experienced with handling what life has in store for you.


Go drag a few fellow kids around the training field and enjoy every moment of it. All the best little brother!

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Goodluck mang! It's been fun, your honestly one of the few i can consider a friend that i met from CR. Be careful keep your head up and be yourself! I'll keep crown and katie warm for you :gabe: jk. But i told her we would have to hangout everyso often so she doesnt get all too sad
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