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Thanks guys. Well my first day as a soldier started off sucky... seven hours at the airport just to have my flight get delay after delay and finaly ended up getting cancelled. Back to the hotel an meps in the am for a 630pm flight.. fml
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Thanks guys. Well my first day as a soldier started off sucky... seven hours at the airport just to have my flight get delay after delay and finaly ended up getting cancelled. Back to the hotel an meps in the am for a 630pm flight.. fml


fuck your life? really? really?


If you think that is bad you're in for a rude awakening. Wait until you're out in the field working for 20 hours, get two hours of sleep because somebody lost a piece of sensitive equipment and you're all searching between blades of grass with lighters then you wake up to pull another 20 hours of training. It's going to be a shitty miserable 4+ years if you're already complaining.

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fuck your life? really? really?


If you think that is bad you're in for a rude awakening. Wait until you're out in the field working for 20 hours, get two hours of sleep because somebody lost a piece of sensitive equipment and you're all searching between blades of grass with lighters then you wake up to pull another 20 hours of training. It's going to be a shitty miserable 4+ years if you're already complaining.


Damn guy lol. Im sure he's just venting, no reason too shit on him now.

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Thanks guys. Well my first day as a soldier started off sucky... seven hours at the airport just to have my flight get delay after delay and finaly ended up getting cancelled. Back to the hotel an meps in the am for a 630pm flight.. fml


Reception is gonna suck when you get to Sill. That's the most annoying part of the process IMO. You won't see your round browns for a few days after you inprocess. Eat the good food while you can! Army food is well known for tasting like shit without utilizing the human body to do so.

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yeah right I loved the food, I think that was my favorite part.. especially breakfast


I'll give the Army that, breakfast was ok if it wasn't powder eggs we ate in Iraq. I had Army cooks at Fort Hood and Leonard Wood, and it was just short of pig slop. Granted, I miss wearing BDU's and my OD jungle boots.

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man I remember AIT having school on swing shift, aka 3rd shift. We would eat breakfast at 1am before school, then breakfast again when we got out of class. It was fucking phenomenal. Then lunch, then dinner, etc.. 4 meals a day, working out like crazy.


Then I got out of AIT and ate the same but didn't do shit. I gained 40lbs in less than a year lawlz

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fuck your life? really? really?


If you think that is bad you're in for a rude awakening. Wait until you're out in the field working for 20 hours, get two hours of sleep because somebody lost a piece of sensitive equipment and you're all searching between blades of grass with lighters then you wake up to pull another 20 hours of training. It's going to be a shitty miserable 4+ years if you're already complaining.


And your officialy going on ignore. All you are these days is negative. Quit trying to bust my decesion down becausse u didn't like it :finger:

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In boot camp - You will either get smarter or stronger!


What that means is - if you fuck up(doing dumb shit), you will be doing more pushups/pullups etc. than everybody else.(that's what makes you stronger).


Lets just say I trimmed down in Marine Corp Boot Camp but gain 15lbs. It didn't pay to be a Class Clown (or did it). They didn't think my shit was funny, but my peers did.


Never quit on yourself, your body will shut down when it is time to quit. Don't let your mind make you quit. It's mind over matter, if you don't mind, it don't matter. I was never the fastest, but I always tried MY hardest. That's all you can do!


Good luck, and thanks for serving!!!!!!

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