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WBC back at it

h22 yo

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Is there any non-violent deterrent you can use to disrupt WBC? Spray them with Super Soakers? Water balloons?


What, like 7.62mm rounds? If anyone asks we're just "shootin' the shit." I'm just kidding obviously. If it could be sorted out where they were staying the night before it could be possible to have several cars "break down" similar to the previous post. When they can't leave the hotel, then they can't show up at their own protest.

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They are going to be there for 20 min before 8am? They sure will get their message across to the birds. Let them sit out there alone. They want exactly what you all are giving them. If I had a family member that was in need of services and they could be there, I would publish a false start time and date and let close family know the real time and date, this way they waste their money and time.
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They are going to be there for 20 min before 8am? They sure will get their message across to the birds. Let them sit out there alone. They want exactly what you all are giving them. If I had a family member that was in need of services and they could be there, I would publish a false start time and date and let close family know the real time and date, this way they waste their money and time.


students come in from 7-8am im personally going with a megaphone to block out what they have to say.

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hahahahahahaha I laughed so hard at that v8.... You have no idea...



We should plant meth labs and alot of illegal shit in their cult meeting area. Then call the police. If Im not mistaken drugs are still illegal.

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What happened at the school to warrant their presence?


P.s. the current principal is a piece of shit.


They are having a pride march of sorts for students at the school and others, IIRC. They did the same thing to another columbus school that founded a gay-straight alliance about 10 years ago.


These people are the absolute lowest forms of life there is, and its a shame that they are still walking this planet. I for one WILL be attending this in the pedobear suit and do my best to piss these fuckers off. These are innocent people, kids, that they are after who want nothing more than to be accepted for who they are. I hope that the school can get a restraining order against them.

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They are having a pride march of sorts for students at the school and others, IIRC. They did the same thing to another columbus school that founded a gay-straight alliance about 10 years ago.


These people are the absolute lowest forms of life there is, and its a shame that they are still walking this planet. I for one WILL be attending this in the pedobear suit and do my best to piss these fuckers off. These are innocent people, kids, that they are after who want nothing more than to be accepted for who they are. I hope that the school can get a restraining order against them.



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I think Im gonna get a friend and do an interview with on of the WBC protestors... haha like the british guy did, nd try and hit on him. hahaha so funny... I know you guys are mad at these people, and I am too, I am very pro-military, brother and dad in/was in the armed forces. So dont get me wrong I truly hate the WBC. But what would piss these people off more than making a joke out of them?
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If these guys end up at my funeral, someone wire my body with explosives. Then push my coffin, open of course, into their protesters. Then remote detonate me. That way I can take the credit for it and there's no one to blame.


I read up on these guys last year and looked into them pretty good. How are they still here?


We need so Son's of Anarchy on this shit.

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If these guys end up at my funeral, someone wire my body with explosives. Then push my coffin, open of course, into their protesters. Then remote detonate me. That way I can take the credit for it and there's no one to blame.


I read up on these guys last year and looked into them pretty good. How are they still here?


We need so Son's of Anarchy on this shit.


Joe if you were KIA i would personally not allow them near your funeral even if it meant jail time.

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