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Zombie proof house


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am I the only one who thinks you shouldn't have openings on the ground level ever, no matter what kind of door it uses to close it




How thick is the glass? Is it special or just regular throw a rock and break it glass lol.


The way the entrance is setup as long as the wall surrounds the entire complex there would be no zombie entrance. Non zombies are another story.

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For the amount of money spent on that house, I could probably buy a small, private island. Or just a nice f'n houseboat. But, this is real life people and I cannot afford either. However, I will be stealing said boat and traveling to said island. Either way, I establish the new nation of me. Problem solved.
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How thick is the glass? Is it special or just regular throw a rock and break it glass lol.


The way the entrance is setup as long as the wall surrounds the entire complex there would be no zombie entrance. Non zombies are another story.


when locked up there is NO first floor entrance. only entrance is thru a draw bridge on second floor that raises.

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