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iPhone= More sex


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Droid Doesn't. Or it could be that Droid Won't. Or even Can't.

But the statistical evidence is clear. The numbers do not claim to have been working late at the office. They merely expose a suspicion that has been harbored by many in the bars and bordellos of our nation.

Yes, in a deep and sonorous study by the dating site OkCupid, there seems to be no doubt: iPhone owners have more sex than BlackBerry owners and a lot more sex than the worthy, solemn, dedicated purchasers of Android phones.

The numbers for women might leave some readers breathless--as they rush to their local Apple store to buy an iPhone.

For this analysis of 30-year-olds with smartphones suggested that women with iPhones had an average of 12.3 sexual partners (I am sure the 0.3 knows exactly who he is), while their age-equivalents who had opted to put an Android into their purse scored a mere 6.1.

(It was 8.8 for the BlackBerry owners, but some might feel these more businessy types would most likely be having sex while still on their BlackBerrys, so that hardly counts.)




For men, the disparity was only slightly more narrow, which perhaps merely reflected a proportionate reduction in the width of their minds. Interestingly, though, Android-owning men seem to have exactly the same amount of sex as Android-owning women. This might suggest a mutual focus on more important things. Like reruns of Battlestar Galactica and Benny Hill.

OkCupid's calculations also offered that the sexual attraction that seems clearly to be offered by the Apple logo stretches to all ages. Android owners from 18-40 seem to consistently droop into relative sexless oblivion by comparison.

Because I know readers are highly intelligent and espouse all smartphones--some being so bold as to have one of each--might I explain how OkCupid concocted its findings.

No, let the OkCupid blog explain: "We crossed all kinds of user behaviors with the camera models and found we had data on the number of sexual partners for 9,785 people with smart phones. We dropped what we found into Excel, and voila."

Voila, indeed. OkCupid worked out who used what smartphone camera for their profile pictures and then trawled through the data to see who had answered such lovely questionnaires like "The Dating Persona Test" (yes, you are sure to be one of 32 dating personalities) and "The Slut Test" (all you have to do is click the button that reads "I...I can't say no." Really.)




I wouldn't dream of suggesting that, perhaps, both sexes lie about how many sexual partners they have really had. Most of my female friends tell me they have had four or five, while most of my male friends say they have four or five figures. My research shows, however, that men and women use entirely different numbers when asked the question in alternative situations.

There will be those who believe that the iPhone makes them look and feel sexier. Others will claim that only sexy people purchase an iPhone in the first place.

These findings might also suggest, though, that Android owners enjoy more stable relationships--you can still have a vast amount of sex with fewer people--while iPhone owners need constant gratification from a new and fleeting sexual partner.

However, for those insecure Android owners who don't feel they can easily give back their phones, OkCupid offers some technological suggestions on its blog to at least make themselves appear more attractive in their profile pictures.

The site analyzed which cameras bring the best out of what you have. If you want the most alluring profile picture, please use a sophisticated camera. OkCupid's analysis suggested that those who think phone pictures are good enough might not quite understand the laws of physical attraction. (iPhone owners might be exempt from this analysis, as it could be that mere ownership conveys deep allure.)

One can only conclude, though, that to be sure of being more attractive and having more sex, you should immediately avail yourself of both an iPhone 4 and a Panasonic Micro 4/3s camera. I know that these two purchases will set you back more than $1,000 for the pair, but surely it has to be worth it.

If you don't have sex on a regular, varied, and satisfying basis, what can you possibly talk about at work?


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I went into Verizon at Easton this week and picked up 2 more iPhones for my team. People there said it's by far the best and hottest selling phone they have. iPads are flying off the shelves to the point that all they have left are 64gb Gen 1 models. Mgr said Apple has helped him exceed budget in the store where without Apple they would have been behind.


Interestingly enough many of the new tablets and smart devices are following in typical Android fashion.....trying to copy the company that has set the standard, to the point that their devices even look like an iPad.


After I left, I had sex with my wife. It works.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Apple sues Samsung because "samsung copied the way the iphone looks"




Really? http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/11/04/19/android_fans_accuse_apple_of_copying_samsung_first.html


In the end, it doesn't matter which product hit the press releases first, it's going to boil down to patents and copyrights for the designs and technologies involved. Gut tells me if LG or Sammy had a leg to stand on, they would have exercised a law suite many moons ago. it's likely all being stirred around now now to create a negative buzz for Q2 is all.

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Weird, I would not have confused that for an iPhone at all.


Just go into a Verizon store and it's very obvious that the look and feel of the devices is Apple-ish.


Funny thing is so many of the other manufacturers are trying to copy the look and compete with the Operating System or even try to one-up iOS and bash it's limitations and neither of those points are the main reason for Apple's huge success with iProducts. It blows me away that even today, no one really gets that. :rolleyes: The Android OS is great and in many ways does offer more to it's users, but that value only means something if it's perceived as value. IMO they certainly aren't helping the perception of value by offering BOGO offers and targeting price. Their target market and marketing is also a bit off. The Android market is growing and strong, but it's fragmented and eating it's own young while Apple continues to built a Culture.


How many folks here eat at Chipotle? They were a brand I worked with from their very early years. The reason for their success isn't just good food. The blocking and tackling of the basics like that isn't what make their brand successful. It's how they communicate the "why" they do what they do, not the "what" they do, which is make great food. Same with Apple; it's not about the "what" it's about the why. Companies who don't succeed at tapping into the market understanding and really buying into why they are doing something will never create a such a widely successful culture.

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Really? http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/11/04/19/android_fans_accuse_apple_of_copying_samsung_first.html


In the end, it doesn't matter which product hit the press releases first, it's going to boil down to patents and copyrights for the designs and technologies involved. Gut tells me if LG or Sammy had a leg to stand on, they would have exercised a law suite many moons ago. it's likely all being stirred around now now to create a negative buzz for Q2 is all.


Haha, that's funny, always 2 sides to a story. The root of my dislike for Apple is selling things that aren't THAT unique/creative/groundbreaking as they make people believe. It worked for them, things were blooming for them, then Android comes around and sweeps up the market share and now Steve is tossing all his toys out the cot and suing people left and right over things that to me appear to be bullshit. He's just giving me more reasons to hate Apple.

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Just go into a Verizon store and it's very obvious that the look and feel of the devices is Apple-ish.


Funny thing is so many of the other manufacturers are trying to copy the look and compete with the Operating System or even try to one-up iOS and bash it's limitations and neither of those points are the main reason for Apple's huge success with iProducts. It blows me away that even today, no one really gets that. :rolleyes: The Android OS is great and in many ways does offer more to it's users, but that value only means something if it's perceived as value. IMO they certainly aren't helping the perception of value by offering BOGO offers and targeting price. Their target market and marketing is also a bit off. The Android market is growing and strong, but it's fragmented and eating it's own young while Apple continues to built a Culture.



True, Apple= Marketing Juggernaut. I'd liken it to the majority of car manfucturers copying (or trying rather) German automakers styling and dynamics.

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Haha, that's funny, always 2 sides to a story. The root of my dislike for Apple is selling things that aren't THAT unique/creative/groundbreaking as they make people believe. It's still working for them, things are blooming for them, then Android comes around and sweeps up the market share and now Steve is tossing all his toys out the cot and suing people left and right over things that to me appear to be bullshit. He's just giving me more reasons to hate Apple.


Had to fix a few things in your post.


It seems you're an analytical tech-person that's is focused on tech-specs of an OS and the benefits of a more open architecture that allows more freedom for it's users. That's cool, but that's not the target market nor direction Apple is after and out to conquer, so it doesn't surprise me that you feel that way. That said, both will continue to drift farther apart as they each seat to capture more "market share" in the segments they are each targeting. In the end, they are competing but really it's in two totally different ponds.


Keep in mind too, you're comparing and using the word "Android" which is an operating system. Apple isn't just a software company. They are both a hardware manufacturer AND Software company. So while the Android OS is so-called "sweeping" up market share from their Pond, Apple too continues to sweep up market share but in a more efficient way. They remain focused whereas others like RIM struggle to find their place in the world. Apple also continues to focus on Simplicity as the purest and highest form of elegance, whereas everyone else feels the need to pound their chest and include kitchen sinks in their offerings. Keeping it car centric, it's the bloated sports cars of today vs the pure raw performers out there. Is an R8 really all that or is a Ford GT a better car? Are they targeting the same customers? How do you define the winner?


Apple's success won't ever be based on the markets meter of who "owns" the Personal Computer, Tablet or even the Smart Phone markets. They've made it very clear that they are a niche product that isn't for everyone. Ironically, that's the key. Knowing what markets NOT to target and know what it is you want to be is exactly what keeps them so profitable and seen by others as a group of elitists. Creating a strong culture is also what insulates them against the products or "what's next" that hits the next trade show front. Their customers don't focus on the "what"; they focus on the why that just happens to be available on their next "what" or product release.


Fuck, people don't care that the iPad 2 isn't really that different, and they line up selling them out everywhere. Why? You're right, it's not about being the most innovative or groundbreaking. It's about resonating with the market you target. They do that very, very well. Better than any of the various competitors. RIM had that magic years ago, but IMO lucked out vs actually having it a part of their business plan and company culture.

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Is it really that different than Audi/VW ? They each have a Niche market and cult following of owners too. Ironically similar to Apple really. How many Apple owners own more than one Apple device because they follow the culture? I mean are their products that different from one another? Just look at Ben. then compare that with Audi / VW Folks. Jones comes to mind there. Does he really need multiple Audi's ?

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Yes, I definitely look at it from a technical point of view, and it's hard for me to understand why people don't look at it from that view. Why carry a butter knife if I can carry a Swiss Army knife kind of view. Because it's less complicated? Because it's easier not to cut myself with a butter knife? Doesn't make sense to me, but that's just how I see it.


You're right, 95% of the time I'm talking OS because that is what you interact with and what makes most things possible. The one thing I do like about the Iphone more is it's design. It's a good looking device. Function over looks for me though, after all, a smart phone is a tool and not a fashion statement...to me anyway. Realistically though I know there is room for both. What Android fails at, Apple accels at and vice versa. A phone for every type of person and everyone benefits from competition. It's just much more fun making fun of "the other crowd"


I also never liked RIM, I think they are useless. I'd buy 9 Iphones before I buy a blackberry. Seen their new tablet? It's a joke.

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Is it really that different than Audi/VW ? They each have a Niche market and cult following of owners too. Ironically similar to Apple really. How many Apple owners own more than one Apple device because they follow the culture? I mean are their products that different from one another? Just look at Ben. then compare that with Audi / VW Folks. Jones comes to mind there. Does he really need multiple Audi's ?


Oh hell yes, everyone needs multiple Audi's :) No but there are people who do it because they were told it was cool/good/a must have, then there are people who make up their own minds after figuring out what they truly like best. The newest South Park illistrated that when Cartman went to get the iPad, his mom points out that the competition does the same thing for far less money, so Cartman says something along the lines of "yeah but if it's not an ipad its not cool". Even the new iphone commercials are basically saying "you need to buy one based purely on its name".

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Yes, I definitely look at it from a technical point of view, and it's hard for me to understand why people don't look at it from that view.
I know you know this, but just saying......because it's not just how you look at it. I would imagine the folks responsible for and who develop for Android feel the same way. However, what they fail to realize is that it's not about what "they" think is important. It's about the customer and what's resonating with their needs. I wonder if they really know what their own target market wants.


Why carry a butter knife if I can carry a Swiss Army knife kind of view. Because it's less complicated? Because it's easier not to cut myself with a butter knife? Doesn't make sense to me, but that's just how I see it.
Yes, IMO, it is because in today's world, life is complicated enough, we are faced with way too much input and choices and when it boils down to a Smart Phone or device, folks like me just want it to work, work simply and convey an elegance that complicated techy devices lack. "It goes back to the old saying that just because you can, doesn't mean you should."


You're right, 95% of the time I'm talking OS because that is what you interact with and what makes most things possible. The one thing I do like about the Iphone more is it's design. It's a good looking device. Function over looks for me though, after all, a smart phone is a tool and not a fashion statement...to me anyway.
You're right, it is a tool, but that tool can be kept simple and still be powerful. Does the 5% difference in what an Android can do vs my iPhone really equate to value to me? Is it worth the trade off of simple elegance vs too many options that might overload many folks? To me there is a value in style and being different. Even if it's just a talking point of what model iPhone do I carry or what "apps" do you like. Funny thing is even Android folks call them apps. I so associate that with an Apple term.


Realistically though I know there is room for both. What Android fails at, Apple accels at and vice versa. A phone for every type of person and everyone benefits from competition. It's just much more fun making fun of "the other crowd"
That's makin fun of the other crowed is exactly what Apple capitalizes on. Everyone picks on Steve Jobs. The man resonates on the internet more than most any CEO around. Do ANY of the Android Hardware or Software Manufacturers CEO's even come close to having that level of recognition or tie ot their products? Not even close. That's sad as that really is a key thing. Not only do Apple's product resonate with consumers, but hell, even the CEO does! Whether you like him or not, at least he is known. I don't care what your opinion of him or Apple is, having an opinion is better than not having one at all. I don' t know one thing about the team that makes the best selling Android phone, let alone why they are doing what they are doing. I get Jobs and I get Apple.


Look at it this way, take any well known loved or hated member of CR...they resonate. Tilly, Sam, Hal, you, Ben, Anthony......like them or not, they stand for something and garner some level of respect vs every other Joe-Nobody with the screen name FAST123 or whatever. I'll take that anyday over being a nobody. As sad as it is, SJ's illness and inevitable death is so fucking Ironic and will so go down in history with him having been a legendary person.


I also never liked RIM, I think they are useless. I'd buy 9 Iphones before I buy a blackberry. Seen their new tablet? It's a joke.
I like RIM early one but then I used one of the very first ones in business years ago. I owned one up until my current iPhone. Worked well, but they failed to deliver what I was looking for. Yes, the new tablet, it's a painful example of a marketing attempt at failing.
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Funny thing is even Android folks call them apps. I so associate that with an Apple term.


You Apple guys... Apps is short for application software. I was installing apps on my Nokia in ~2004. I've also heard that some people think apps is short for Apple.

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