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Transformers: Dark of the moon

Jizzle Juice

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So much win I'm nearly speechless. Shockwave was always my second favorite (after Megatron).


Absolutely geeked for this movie.

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Aren't we about running out of Autobots at this point? I mean, it's like there were about a dozen Autobots and we keep digging up/unfreezing/dropping in from space like a fucking meteor new decepticons. Also, given that I imagine at least SOME time has passed since the beginning of all this shit, and also that apparently they put together an entire task force to deal with guerilla decepticons, shouldn't the humans be packing some slightly more "developed to lay the smack down on a giant transforming robot from outer space" type weapons? I mean, I know it's a Mikey Bay flick, but jeebus. Even Patton didn't have to fight back from the effing brink ALL the time.
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