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Cheapest Bankruptcy Attorney


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No secret, just a way to pay less than $.50s on the dollar for what you owe and have it say settled for a zero balance on your credit.


Rhett, get at me bro!


Who do you work for now?


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Glad to see there are so many perfect people in thread that have never had even the slightest money problem.


Rhett, bankruptcy isn't all bad, its all pretty cut and dry, but I'm not going to discuss it here.


I can understand where you're coming from: hey, sometimes people get themselves into money problems.


However, I think it's important to keep in mind that, when we get into money problems, it's usually (always?) our fault as the result of bad choices that we made. So, while it sucks, we can't blame anyone but ourselves. I think that's where some of the mentality is based that is being expressed in this thread.

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I can understand where you're coming from: hey, sometimes people get themselves into money problems.


However, I think it's important to keep in mind that, when we get into money problems, it's usually (always?) our fault as the result of bad choices that we made. So, while it sucks, we can't blame anyone but ourselves. I think that's where some of the mentality is based that is being expressed in this thread.




*On an unrelated note...cash out refi's are the BEST way to get out of debt.



















































Sometimes this is true. Other times, you're dumb.

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Glad to see there are so many perfect people in thread that have never had even the slightest money problem.

I was laid off 5 days after buying my first home and spent a year unemployed. I still made sure to get bills paid and kept my credit perfect. It took years to recoup from that time without work but filing bankruptcy was never an option. Neither was not paying my bills.

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I was laid off 5 days after buying my first home and spent a year unemployed. I still made sure to get bills paid and kept my credit perfect. It took years to recoup from that time without work but filing bankruptcy was never an option. Neither was not paying my bills.



Good for you......not everybody is so fortunate. Sometimes when its a choice between eating and paying your school loans or CC you choose to eat.

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Good for you......not everybody is so fortunate. Sometimes when its a choice between eating and paying your school loans or CC you choose to eat.


or raising kids and dealing with that fact that with no money coming in no bills get paid.


bottom line is the OP needs to meet with a good Bankruptcy Lawyer. the first meetings are free so you have nothing to lose and they are the only ones outside yourself that will represent your interests. everyone else is in it for a piece of the pie.

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I am glad you guys are concern about me/ now back on topic!



Cause you are the problem with people now. They get themselves into a huge hole and figure, fuck it I will file bankruptcy and wash it all away. Then you go and get yourself right back into the same situation and do it again. Its what is bringing this country down. I understand that sometimes its the only option to do from whatever circumstances but to file once and then go right back to where you were before is just terrible. And to say the more you make the more you spend shows how well you can manage money. :dumb:

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Cause you are the problem with people now. They get themselves into a huge hole and figure, fuck it I will file bankruptcy and wash it all away. Then you go and get yourself right back into the same situation and do it again. Its what is bringing this country down. I understand that sometimes its the only option to do from whatever circumstances but to file once and then go right back to where you were before is just terrible. And to say the more you make the more you spend shows how well you can manage money. :dumb:



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Cause you are the problem with people now. They get themselves into a huge hole and figure, fuck it I will file bankruptcy and wash it all away. Then you go and get yourself right back into the same situation and do it again. Its what is bringing this country down. I understand that sometimes its the only option to do from whatever circumstances but to file once and then go right back to where you were before is just terrible. And to say the more you make the more you spend shows how well you can manage money. :dumb:


Very rarely is someone's debt out of their control......





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Very rarely is someone's debt out of their control......



Yes / no. My wife's been doing this shit for quite a long time and you'd be surprised how life kicks the ass of a lot of folks. Medical bills, divorce, job loss, death in the family, etc. There are a ton of factors in addition to some bad choices. Not to mention, with people being forced to grow up and fend sooner than ever before, many just plain don't have the experience to know better. That's no excuse in it's entirety, but it's also 100x easier for a college aged kid to get into debt today than even just 15-10 years ago. It happens more than you think.

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Read before you fall into the trap of thinking you can pay half of your debts and everything be great....and shit wont show like what was said above...itll show "settled less than full balance", which future creditors will see you didnt pay as agreed

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Cause you are the problem with people now. They get themselves into a huge hole and figure, fuck it I will file bankruptcy and wash it all away. Then you go and get yourself right back into the same situation and do it again. Its what is bringing this country down. I understand that sometimes its the only option to do from whatever circumstances but to file once and then go right back to where you were before is just terrible. And to say the more you make the more you spend shows how well you can manage money. :dumb:


+Eleventy billion. Not nutswinging. I don't care who said it. It's true. Not only is it him, but it's our system that's F-ed up for LETTING HIM DO THAT!! /rant

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Bankruptcy can hurt you further down the road. It may be off of your credit after 10 years but when you are asked if you filed in the past it will be a yes for the rest of your life. I have seen people passed up on good jobs because that box was checked. Not saying it will happen, I just want you to know how bad it can actually get.


I'm not saying you should or shouldnt file as its your life to live. What I will say is you could be working multiple jobs instead of filing and digging yourself out the hard way. Most of us hit points where things get tight and we consider it. We see less bills and the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel... The only problem is that light is a lot farther away than it looks.

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Cause you are the problem with people now. They get themselves into a huge hole and figure, fuck it I will file bankruptcy and wash it all away. Then you go and get yourself right back into the same situation and do it again. Its what is bringing this country down. I understand that sometimes its the only option to do from whatever circumstances but to file once and then go right back to where you were before is just terrible. And to say the more you make the more you spend shows how well you can manage money. :dumb:


It was a joke about filing again.


I haven't been late on anything since filing back in 2001.


And it is true. The more you make. The more you can spend. Whether its cash or credit. Its a true statement.

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filing BK is awful. yes, your clearance will be under severe review.


if i were you, i would tell toyota to get fucked and never pay them. your credit wouldn't take that huge of a hit. i am thinking you have more problems than you are alluding to, considering some folks can short sale on their homes and only take a 50 point hit. no one gives 2 fucks about your 9k loan. srsly if 9k was too insurmountable there were other serious problems.

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No secret, just a way to pay less than $.50s on the dollar for what you owe and have it say settled for a zero balance on your credit.


Rhett, get at me bro!


Always wondered on those settlements what happened, with credit after. are people just that ready to be rid of debt?

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Damn, some of the people in this thread. To those of you that think it is always the person's fault if they get into debt and they can always pay it back if they really wanted to, just thank God that life hasn't kicked you in the ass hard enough for you to be in that situation. If you are out of work without medical insurance and get sick with a terminal illness that will require you to spend years in and out of hospitals fighting it and too disabled to work it is not your choice, or because you are irresponsible. Obviously, this isn't the case with the majority of situations, but it does happen to many families.
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Damn, some of the people in this thread. To those of you that think it is always the person's fault if they get into debt and they can always pay it back if they really wanted to, just thank God that life hasn't kicked you in the ass hard enough for you to be in that situation. If you are out of work without medical insurance and get sick with a terminal illness that will require you to spend years in and out of hospitals fighting it and too disabled to work it is not your choice, or because you are irresponsible. Obviously, this isn't the case with the majority of situations, but it does happen to many families.


I don't think people are talking about medical debt. Hell, I remember when running people through FABCO when they would submit a rental app we always disregarded medical debt and collections.

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