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School Levys


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FACT: Teachers are only part of what it takes, it starts at home. If the parents do not care, good luck.


Attacking teachers, how much of the year the work, and how much they make is just dumb. A good teacher is doing stuff nearly year round, and their day does not stop at 3:30pm.

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FACT: Teachers are only part of what it takes, it starts at home. If the parents do not care, good luck.


Attacking teachers, how much of the year the work, and how much they make is just dumb. A good teacher is doing stuff nearly year round, and their day does not stop at 3:30pm.



Don't forget that with everyone's property taxes getting adjusted lower, the schools are losing a decent amount of funding even before any policy changes are made.

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I still have no idea how they plan to do merit based pay for teachers. There is no decent way to make that happen, and the end result will be WORSE for the kids.
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FACT: Teachers are only part of what it takes, it starts at home. If the parents do not care, good luck.


Attacking teachers, how much of the year the work, and how much they make is just dumb. A good teacher is doing stuff nearly year round, and their day does not stop at 3:30pm.


Yeah, some do teach summer school and help with over the summer programs. Like Waggz said the good ones are helping kids year round and do volunteer work with in need students. A lot of them also have second jobs they work over the summer. I would never question how much they make. Knowing they have to deal with my daughter everyday $148k a year and an 02 cougar as a bonus are in order.




Don't forget that with everyone's property taxes getting adjusted lower, the schools are losing a decent amount of funding even before any policy changes are made.


My taxes just went up again :(


I still have no idea how they plan to do merit based pay for teachers. There is no decent way to make that happen, and the end result will be WORSE for the kids.



Whose's property tax? Mine sure haven't.


I have nothing else to add. I just wanted to quote everyone on this page.

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Whose's property tax? Mine sure haven't.

That sucks. Must be a Michigan thing. Almost everyone I know has had their home value adjusted lower (and these are nice area's too with good schools). Or maybe the Ohio gov't is resisting it more.

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