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LA Noire


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Love it. Great to get away from Black Ops or any other 1st person shooter out there.


You're a detective trying to solve murders in LA. It's based on GTA (obviously.. Rockstar games..). But you're not the bad guy. You go to a crime scene, check out this nude body and look her over for clues, go around the crime scene looking for clues. Find peeps, then question them. This is the weird part. You can fail this easily if you don't pay attention to their facial expressions. You can either Agree with them, doubt them or call them out on a lie. If you call them out on a lie, you need to back it up with evidence. If it's wrong, you get the X and you get the question wrong. Right, you get the check mark and get some more clues. Go and question more people and they run, etc. Catch them and bring them back to interrogation room while you and you're partner go over the details. At the end, if you get a confession, they go to jail, murder 1, manslaughter, etc.


It's a really cool game on how they did it. Nothing like this (that I know of) has been done in the gaming industry.


I had my wife come down and watch a few minutes of it and she said "holy shit, that looks real." The graphics are pretty good. Facial expressions.. detail to just about everything.


Of course it's based in the 40's (mid-late 40's so far from what I'm into it).


Anyways.. if you like the GTA series and how the game play is.. you'll like this game.

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I bought Brink for $60 and a few hours later found out the game sucked total ass. That was a waste of money.


In this game I'll probably go through the missions again and try to get all the questions right and go through all the side quests.. only because I"m tired of B.Ops.

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its looks awesome, the only thing that pushes me off is the replayability. i can knock out a single player campaign fast. just don't see myself putting out $60 for something i'll beat then shelf.



You won't finish L.A. Noire for a pretty long time... Early sources said 25-30 hours of play time, so that's roughly 40x what you get with a recent CoD game.

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I rented this game last night. Pretty fun game. I dont like the control system for shooting. Other then that the game is amazing. The facial expressions are pretty clear. Some of them can be a bit tricky.
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Guest Spam
I love lvoe love the trailer. "Entirely made from in game footage." Thats the best part right there. Looks just like a movie. Rockstar makes another hit game.
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Picked up my preordered copy yesterday (and preordered MW3 while I was at it). It kicks ass. The facial expressions are crazy. Control is exactly the same as GTA, so shooting is easy if you played that or Red Dead Redemption.
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I'm very excited to read these reviews. I had been waiting on Brink for a while and was very disappointed to hear the shitty reviews. I was tempering my expectations for L.A. Noire, fully expecting people to come out saying they lied about how focused on the human elements it is. Very, very glad to hear it was received as intended.
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So this game doesn't have any type of violence or GTA killing. All you are is a detective solving cases? fucking gay. brb, finding a hat in a dumpster with fingerprints on it and playing all day to find out it was peter in the flower shop who killed Mr.beckingsworth. On to next case.
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So this game doesn't have any type of violence or GTA killing. All you are is a detective solving cases? fucking gay. brb, finding a hat in a dumpster with fingerprints on it and playing all day to find out it was peter in the flower shop who killed Mr.beckingsworth. On to next case.


I only played for about 2 hours. But got in several gun fights and chase scenes. But have not seen the GTA style random violence yet.

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i played it and was hooked. spent 5 hours last night glued to the screen, its a very good game the graphics and the over all game play are very well laid out. the damage that guns in the game do is also really cool, the blood spread and impact on walls and other things also looks great.
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So this game doesn't have any type of violence or GTA killing. All you are is a detective solving cases? fucking gay. brb, finding a hat in a dumpster with fingerprints on it and playing all day to find out it was peter in the flower shop who killed Mr.beckingsworth. On to next case.


i think we've all come to expect better trolling out of you. bad show.

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