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Sarah Failin: Paul Revere

Science Abuse

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I heard this counter-point on NPR on my way from Cleveland, and was surprised that NPR semi-supported Palin.


That said...


I agree that every time she speaks my head hurts. She screams "sideshow" more than any other politician in recent memory.

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I heard this counter-point on NPR on my way from Cleveland, and was surprised that NPR semi-supported Palin.


NPR is the last thing resembling a balanced new source in the country. Problem is, if you disagree with the GOP or report about them being wrong, you are immediately a Liberal.


That said, his ride was a warning to the patriots. If they actually felt like they were real British citizens, they wouldn't have revolted.

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I recently had some family visit from Alabama. The guy, I think he would be my great uncle technically, mentioned that he believes evolution to be "one of the greatest hoaxes in history", and that he would also vote for Sarah Palin....


He's a tenured economics professor at a major university :(.

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I recently had some family visit from Alabama. The guy, I think he would be my great uncle technically, mentioned that he believes evolution to be "one of the greatest hoaxes in history", and that he would also vote for Sarah Palin....


He's a tenured economics professor at a major university :(.



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I recently had some family visit from Alabama. The guy, I think he would be my great uncle technically, mentioned that he believes evolution to be "one of the greatest hoaxes in history", and that he would also vote for Sarah Palin....


He's a tenured economics professor at a major university :(.



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It looks like the Republicans just want to give Obama another 4 years lol i honestly dont see how she is able to hold any political standing in our country. if she were to even be considered as the front runner for the Republicans i would be packing my bags and taking a 4 year vacation.
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