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Pryor says bye bye to OSU


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Its funny how fickle Buckeye fans can be. Everyone can play better than the entire buckeye team.


Pryor, you did what you had to do on the field to get us all those games, titles, and our SEC win along side Tressel.


Good luck man!

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Its funny how fickle Buckeye fans can be. Everyone can play better than the entire buckeye team.


Pryor, you did what you had to do on the field to get us all those games, titles, and our SEC win along side Tressel.


Good luck man!


I concur, I say he made some bad choices, but he was not alone.

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Over rated? The kid lost 3 or 4 games as a starter, was the first qb to beat an SEC team in how long? 2 Bowl game MVP's winner, 2nd place in career leading rusher for qb at OSU, 5th in passing yards...his on the field acomplishments are far from over rated. He was the best player on the field in every game the Buckeyes suited up for.


Buckeye fans seem oh so glad to see him leave, we'll see how much they miss him as we go 7-5 this year. Like it or not there is no talen on offense to pull through an entire year. The best qb and running back imo just left, Boom is probablly gonna be gone as well, super thin at WR with the leading returning guy being Philly Brown who drops balls like Braylon Edwards. I'll continue to be a Buckeye fan, I just think its going to be a rough year, hell its gonna be a rough next 2-4 years once the NCAA hammers us.


I will say this though, he would be wise to switch to WR. Did you watch the Texas game where Boeckman threw the fade route to him? No DB in the NFL is going to be able to defend Pryor on a jump ball, the dude runs a 4.3 at 6'6 250lbs, I think he'd be just fine switching to WR. It worked for Antwon Randle El and a few others that have made the switch from college qb to NFL wr

Edited by DaddyBuiltRacing
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while i will never been on the athletic level of Pryor his actions off the field will always follow him, he could of won 4 championships but his actions over the last year at the University would still follow him. i wish him luck on the pro level as he was a Buckeye but do i think he will be a starter? probably not while he was very good in making some plays he lacked on others. if he wants to leave thats his choice but i have a feeling hes trying to run away from his problems, he seems to stuck up to sit out the 5 games and take responsibility for his actions, so he's running to the NFL with hopes of playing with no suspension.
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while i will never been on the athletic level of Pryor his actions off the field will always follow him, he could of won 4 championships but his actions over the last year at the University would still follow him. i wish him luck on the pro level as he was a Buckeye but do i think he will be a starter? probably not while he was very good in making some plays he lacked on others. if he wants to leave thats his choice but i have a feeling hes trying to run away from his problems, he seems to stuck up to sit out the 5 games and take responsibility for his actions, so he's running to the NFL with hopes of playing with no suspension.


if the NFL players and owners come to an agreement, as of right now an 8 game NFL season doesn't look to promising for anyone

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I don't blame him. He tried to stick thru the next season but with Coach Tressel resign and the NCAA investigation there's nothing good left for him to stay. Good luck to Pryor at the next level.


typical OSU fan


NOTHING GOOD what about the school who paid for his education and his moms cars?


I dont see UofM going through this stuff ..OSU = NO class

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Umm UofM is being investigated too...so don't act like Michigan is running a clean program. The fact is no program in the country is clean, hell theres reports that Texas is about to be the next to get exposed. Colt McCoys gf/wife whatever, was on radio today talking about how she saw players take money and gifts while Colt was there.


Heres some links if you want to read more about it


Texas scandal:



I'll find the link to the Michigan shit here in a few, btw you dont see UofM going through this? Have you ever heard of the Fab 5? Or how about Rich Rod being caught cheating by practicing more then allowed, not that it helped them

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Only thing I could find was stonum DUI and the coach took care of his career...indefinite suspension.. So my original comment stands..


And don't think I'm getting all high and mighty cuz our team still needs a lot of work we just don't have the thugs and retards that osu has

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His actions, along with others, contributed to a man losing his job and tarnishing his once unblemished record. A coach that was 9-1 against our rival team, won a national championship and back-to-back BCS wins. He put the man in a position to cover his butt. Tressel is responsible for his own actions but they put him in the sticky situation. How much hell did the university catch for not sitting them during the Arkansas game? Now he just cut and runs bc his shadiness is continuing to be exposed? Their actions just blacked the other eye that Clarrett started. Who knows what other sanctions will come out of this, what titles will be stripped, and some of you are congratulating the kid and wishing him on his way as he takes zero punishment? Thanks TP and others, for setting the university back 10 years. You've milked all you can here you selfish cocks.
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I knew he was a cocky SOB when he got to OSU, but I always hoped he would mature like Troy did. And then seeing things like this...



Makes me think he was on the road to doing so, but there's only so many skeletons you can hide in a dorm/apartment closet.

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