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good weekend.....


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Me and some buddies did the Brickstreet BBQ contest in Marietta last weekend. Had a frigin blast. Met some cool people, cooked some bbq, and drank a ton of beer. This was the first contest we've ever entered so we weren't expecting much other than to just have a good time. Our equipment isn't probably what anyone would consider contest equipment. Just some texas style smokers from Wal-Mart mounted to a utility trailer from Tractor Supply. :lol: There were guys there that had thousands and thousands of dollars worth of cooking equipment. We placed 15th overall with a 10th in chicken, a 6th in pork, and a 3rd in ribs. Learned a lot in the process and just had a good time overall. We were getting some strange looks when we were cracking beers at 5:30am on Saturday. :D



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I'm more proud of our 6th in pork and 10th in chicken than the 3rd in ribs. :D Everyone makes good pork butt so to place 6th in that is saying a lot. Chicken, for me, is by far the hardest thing to cook right and have the skin bite through instead of pulling off and things like that.

I think we're doing Kettering next month. Still on the fence about it but leaning towards going out there. We're really out classed on a lot of stuff. We don't have the experience or the equipment to hang with most of those folks. We just do what we always do with the cookers we have.

Ribs like any other type of bbq is 99% practice. No matter what someone tells you to do you're gonna eat some shitty ribs until you get the hang of it. :D I know I ate a bunch of bad ones before cooking some good ones.

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Location and dates for the next one. I'm sensing a road trip for a CR BBQ Day in Kettering :) If it works out, I'm in for bringing some beer and sides. May have to bring the kids/family and make a weekend of it perhaps heading down to WPAFB for a day too.
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  • 4 weeks later...

did kettering this past weeekend. More teams.....45 total. Although our scores overall were better this time our finishes were worse. We were about mid pack on everything except ribs where we got a 9th place call. 3 points separated 9th from first so we were right on the bubble of placing well in ribs. One judge filled out a comment card on them and said they had too much pepper. Another judge gave us all 9's ( scoring is 2-9) so it's just a matter of what they like. Had a good time and drank a bunch of beer. :D


right after setting up:


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we get the most out of it for sure....... 5 cases of beer in 2 days between 3 of us. :D One of our guys couldn't make this trip so it would've been just 2 of us. I asked another friend of mine to help out. Just run boxes for us and be an extra set of hands....saved us a ton of work really.

Overall we're pretty happy with how we did out there. It's not a win but you have to factor in the experience those other teams have over us and the equipment level difference. There's some really nice smokers out there. We learned a few more things this weekend that we'll use in our next contest. We'll just keep plugging away at it.

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