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Dog Attacks and My Rights


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I live in the same area. Animal control has already taken the dogs for observation and found them to be no danger. The dogs have bitten an infant and the mother already to the point an ambulance took them for further inspection. They have also cornered other people in the neighborhood. Animal control stated the electric fence is good enough to ensure the dogs can not get out. The guy has no intention of changing and cares nothing for the dogs so good luck is all i have to suggest.


Easy fix, steal the dog(s). Every time the dogs get out, throw a leash on them and take them. Do some minor obedience work and then adopt them out or take them to a shelter. Done.

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if the ORC says its ok to shoot it, shoot it. shit if someone comes at you bro, on your own property, you can shoot their ass too under castle doctrine, what makes a dog an exception to this rule?


IIRC castle rule only applies within the confines of your home, not your yard.

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I live in the same area. Animal control has already taken the dogs for observation and found them to be no danger. The dogs have bitten an infant and the mother already to the point an ambulance took them for further inspection. They have also cornered other people in the neighborhood. Animal control stated the electric fence is good enough to ensure the dogs can not get out. The guy has no intention of changing and cares nothing for the dogs so good luck is all i have to suggest.


ok... now you shoot the dog. Then when the owner comes over you shoot him as well and sprinkle some crack on him and the dog. Its always self defence when there's crack involved.

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dont know if it will be any help, but we used to have a couple that lived in my neiborhood that had a couple dogs that they just left outside at all times. Both dogs were very aggressive towards other animals mainly. The first issue i had with them was an attemped attack on my dog at the time. My dog ended up bitting one in the ear and i kicked the other strait in the throat.


second occurance was just one of the dogs and it got a baseball bat to the side.


third accurance (which i dont know if you could get away with this where you live) Dog got approx. 200 paintballs to the head/side while it attempted to charge at my dog once again. Not sure if it finally learned its lesson, or the owners did when the dog showed up back home cover in pink and yellow paint lol.

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I wouldn't wait for that dog to bite, Shoot it now. It shouldnt be cornering you on your property, and it sounds like the owner doesn't know how to control his animals.




And if you don't want the liability, invite me over when the dog is out. Sounds like burying that dog will better your neighborhood. Better yet drag the carcass back to the neighbor's porch with a paper stating the laws Pdqgp posted for you.

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And if you don't want the liability, invite me over when the dog is out. Sounds like burying that dog will better your neighborhood. Better yet drag the carcass back to the neighbor's porch with a paper stating the laws Pdqgp posted for you.


You're an idiot. Go quote yourself again so that more people can ignore your post more often. Douche.

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dont know if it will be any help, but we used to have a couple that lived in my neiborhood that had a couple dogs that they just left outside at all times. Both dogs were very aggressive towards other animals mainly. The first issue i had with them was an attemped attack on my dog at the time. My dog ended up bitting one in the ear and i kicked the other strait in the throat.


second occurance was just one of the dogs and it got a baseball bat to the side.


third accurance (which i dont know if you could get away with this where you live) Dog got approx. 200 paintballs to the head/side while it attempted to charge at my dog once again. Not sure if it finally learned its lesson, or the owners did when the dog showed up back home cover in pink and yellow paint lol.


You don't by chance live up in Marengo do you :gabe:

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You're an idiot. Go quote yourself again so that more people can ignore your post more often. Douche.




If it were me, id talk to the guy in a demanding manner. Say, listen, your dogs ran onto my property, not on a leash, and cornered me. Im a nice guy, but it if happens again, i will use any means necessary to prevent this from happening again. Either control your animal, or i take appropriate actions. And hand him a copy of the dog laws for ohio. All of them. If he gives you shit, just give him a warning and taken action next time. Document what you do, record it while you are at his house, save for later.


Hope everything goes well. :)

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I'm by no means anywhere near an expert in dog energy...but I've read a couple of books recently and I was out working at a vacant house when the neighbors dog ran over barking aggresively...I stayed calm and relaxed....said in my head "im not here to harm you, but this is my area"....I walked right past the dog as he was barking and even bumped into him while he was in my way. After that, he followed me around happy as could be be. Glad I didn't decide to shoot and kill him.
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Easy fix, steal the dog(s). Every time the dogs get out, throw a leash on them and take them. Do some minor obedience work and then adopt them out or take them to a shelter. Done.


Pussy Shit



I live in the same area. Animal control has already taken the dogs for observation and found them to be no danger. The dogs have bitten an infant and the mother already to the point an ambulance took them for further inspection. They have also cornered other people in the neighborhood. Animal control stated the electric fence is good enough to ensure the dogs can not get out. The guy has no intention of changing and cares nothing for the dogs so good luck is all i have to suggest.


So there you have it. Shoot the fucking dog next time.

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This. Just handle it calmly and politely first. If that doesn't work, just let animal control handle it. Use pepper spray, I haven't seen that fail on a dog yet.


Regardless of what the ORC says about killing the dog, it's not a good idea to discharge a firearm in a neighborhood because a dog cornered you.


You could always let Tractor handle it. He could light the dog(s) on fire like the good old says.

This is good. Except the last statement, which was still funny. lol


if the ORC says its ok to shoot it, shoot it. shit if someone comes at you bro, on your own property, you can shoot their ass too under castle doctrine, what makes a dog an exception to this rule?

Just because you're within your rights to do something doesn't mean it's always the best decision. The most extreme reaction rarely is.




And if you don't want the liability, invite me over when the dog is out. Sounds like burying that dog will better your neighborhood. Better yet drag the carcass back to the neighbor's porch with a paper stating the laws Pdqgp posted for you.

I'm 'liable' to shoot you in a minute. lol You guys gotta remember, it's not the dog's fault, it's the shitty owner's. It's too bad you can't lure him over there... haha

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I live out away from town for the most part so we get a few dogs a year that come through here. After my dog got his ass ate up I adopted a new rule. If the dog is friendly when it comes into the yard I'll give it water and check for tags and try to contact the owner ( have done this twice so far). If the dog even looks like it's not friendly it's getting shot. Haven't had to shoot one yet but you can bet that I won't even bat an eye at shooting one. I have 2 small kids. You want your aggressive dog alive then keep it off my property. Pretty simple.
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Talk to the owner and report it. That way its on file if it becomes an issue later on.


Bingo. Have had the same issue with my neighbors american bull... If cornered my wife in her car, comes on our property to attack our dogs, has charged at me, although I am not afraid, especially because I had a nice spade tip shovel ready for it...


What I did was called animal control and first filed a record of the events, this is step one acknowledging the history of the dog and its owner. Then go to to the neighbor, which I did, he was cool about it, and he knows the dog is some what violent. Now I am sneaky and recorded the whole conversation and saved it on my computer :), because he admits the dog is dangerous and can not be near strangers...


Now if I have another issue, I call the country dog warden he comes out and gets that POS dog :), and puts it to sleep.


Start with the dog warden then goto the neighbor, and let him know if it happens again you will be forced to call the proper authority and what that could result in.

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Few years ago 2 pits came into the yard and attacked my dog. I got the shotgun and lit one of them up. Not sure if it killed it because it ran off but even if it didn't kill it that dog had a miserable few weeks. Called animal control out. They didn't do shit. They knew who's dog it was but never investigated further than asking them if it was their dogs. It was a huge waste of time even calling them out. I'd say if you get the chance kill it if it comes back on your property. You'll be doing everyone in your neighborhood a favor.


What $1500 worth of vet bills looks like after they were finished with him. Surgically implanted tubes to drain fluid and he lost an ear in the deal. He was 11 at the time and I'd raised him from birth. One of the best dogs I've ever owned and although I knew he was old and short time I didn't want him going out like that so I paid whatever I had to in order to keep him around. He made it another 2 years.






I would hunt those dogs down until the end of time.

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Well I called Animal Control and they are sending someone to talk with the guy and make him aware of the issue.


From talking with them it sounds like they know the address and asked me what dog came after me.


I was also told I can "do whatever is needed to defend myself in the street, or my property from attack".

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I would suggest asking the neighbor if he has a dog that looks like X, or point at the dog in question and ask if it is his. If he says yes, say it came after you and you are just concerned it might attack a child walking by. Don't make it about you, make it about concern for someone elses safety, that will put him off of challenging you. Tell him that you are going to let Animal Control know it happened just so there is a record of his dog running off, and to keep you from being liable for any damage it does since you know it gets loose.


The second part will get him mad but, you got mad about his dog coming after you so no worries. Then call animal control. If the dog comes after you again, you get to kill it plain and simple. Its an animal, and it should be controlled by the owner. If my dog runs off I get it back, then again I chain mine up.


I don't care if its a chihuahua, if it is on my property and is going to bite me, I shoot.

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I'm by no means anywhere near an expert in dog energy...but I've read a couple of books recently and I was out working at a vacant house when the neighbors dog ran over barking aggresively...I stayed calm and relaxed....said in my head "im not here to harm you, but this is my area"....I walked right past the dog as he was barking and even bumped into him while he was in my way. After that, he followed me around happy as could be be. Glad I didn't decide to shoot and kill him.


brb practicing meditating in front of attacking dogs

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