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Chris Hansen.... why don't you have a seat.


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Because he's married. TWPGAF.


Oh well. 2 consenting adults, no underaged kids, nothing illegal. People cheat on their spouses all the time. Didnt see a thread yesterday when shia lebouf's interview w/ details magazine came out and he admitted to banging megan fox, who was with brian autin green @ the time...and shes way hotter/famous/more interesting than that reporter above

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Oh well. 2 consenting adults, no underaged kids, nothing illegal. People cheat on their spouses all the time. Didnt see a thread yesterday when shia lebouf's interview w/ details magazine came out and he admitted to banging megan fox, who was with brian autin green @ the time...and shes way hotter/famous/more interesting than that reporter above


hell ya good for him !

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The man deserves some ass.


^^ this. however, couldn't he pick a bit hotter looking ass? I mean if I were going to cheat on on my wife and risk everything, you best believe it would be with some prize winning ass.

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^^ this. however, couldn't he pick a bit hotter looking ass? I mean if I were going to cheat on on my wife and risk everything, you best believe it would be with some prize winning ass.



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