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Therefore im right, i have no intentions to kill myself, nor have I tried. So thank you steve! :lolguy:


Seriously, I doubt that Kryptok has eiether. My point is that you told someone who failed real hard, that he should kill himself. Please don't make me link you to the threads involving you and your epic failures. Hypocrite.

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Seriously, I doubt that Kryptok has eiether. My point is that you told someone who failed real hard, that he should kill himself. Please don't make me link you to the threads involving you and your epic failures. Hypocrite.


I haved them save at the top of the page.


You are dark.


Abarber... 2 words. Crank walk.

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And we wonder why we can't have nice people. Sheehhh

boowhoo there are plenty of good members that join often. we need to sift threw the dumb asses an delete them.. its almost like natural selection...




I think I've seen her hanging with the football team.... :masturboy:


an the soccer team, softball team, both baskewtball teams and even the chess club meh its cool.

You guys are unreal.


Just trying to do ONE thing, have a simple car meet and you guys have to act like a bunch of immature 10 year olds. No wonder this site has gone so far down hill, blame yourselves.


I know I'll be alright, I'm not 8. And you're right it is the internet.. just wanted some respect I guess. I did not think you'd guys react that way or else I never would of posted to begin with. But I've learned!


booooo fucking who. good god man grow some balls and quit being a cry baby bitch!


its the internet.. wahhh your new... boowhoo.... im not going to bring my nice car to a place with a person no one here knows... hell for all i know you could be setting up a place to car jack some one who the hell knows. Why not come out to some COLUMBUSRACING held events get to know people an thennn try to start ur own gay meet.


oh btw your fucking gay oooo lets go stand in a fucking parking lot with a bunch of dudes. heyyy i remember when i was 18 an thought it was the cooooooolllleessst thing ever.. GROW THE FUCK UP


:finger: :finger:

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boowhoo there are plenty of good members that join often. we need to sift threw the dumb asses an delete them.. its almost like natural selection...



an the soccer team, softball team, both baskewtball teams and even the chess club meh its cool.







booooo fucking who. good god man grow some balls and quit being a cry baby bitch!


its the internet.. wahhh your new... boowhoo.... im not going to bring my nice car to a place with a person no one here knows... hell for all i know you could be setting up a place to car jack some one who the hell knows. Why not come out to some COLUMBUSRACING held events get to know people an thennn try to start ur own gay meet.


oh btw your fucking gay oooo lets go stand in a fucking parking lot with a bunch of dudes. heyyy i remember when i was 18 an thought it was the cooooooolllleessst thing ever.. GROW THE FUCK UP


:finger: :finger:


When the fuck did you grow the hell up?





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Phil how about you invite some more of your convict friends like tank. You know the really honest guys.


Cody you little cock sucking squid let's get a few things straight. There are more felons on this board than you know bout. I would rather have tank on this board than your faggety ass. You are protected by doc, that's the only reason your still around. You are a hemroid, a wart, a puss filled scab that won't go away. You are a bitch, if I told you to hold my pocket at a meet you would. If I told you to suck my dick, you would. Your so desprate for acceptance you just agree with what everyone else says. You are a god dam mocking bird. Stop trying to post events, stop trying to gather people, I'm not giving you my number. I'm not laughing, don't pm me telling me how funny shit is. If I see you out, don't but in my conversation. Your a dick riding fagget who loves attention. Lay back, stop fucking getting in the way, and shut your pube eater.

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When the fuck did you grow the hell up?






few months ago :D


i got alot more to lose these days (my fiance, being an uncle for the first time, being a dad next year) ect


just over the whole parking lot pimpin shit

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few months ago :D


i got alot more to lose these days (my fiance, being an uncle for the first time, being a dad next year) ect


just over the whole parking lot pimpin shit


Wait.... you're gonna have a kid?!?!?!?!?!?!





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Wait.... you're gonna have a kid?!?!?!?!?!?!






weddings next year, you can bet ur ass il be trying on the hunnymoon... i want kids yes more then one asap(she said i have to wait till after the wedding dammit!) but yes...


world beware i will be reproducing haha

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Np. I have a soft spot for DSM's. GVR4 former owner.


You came in out of nowhere seemingly. It was awesome.


I have been am member for a while and I have been a lurker for almost a year and this site is something I enjoy so why not say something right?

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weddings next year, you can bet ur ass il be trying on the hunnymoon... i want kids yes more then one asap(she said i have to wait till after the wedding dammit!) but yes...


world beware i will be reproducing haha



Holy Fuck. Paul done did grow up!!!






PS - WAIT!!!!! Give it a few years before kids.... REAL TALK!

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Holy Fuck. Paul done did grow up!!!






PS - WAIT!!!!! Give it a few years before kids.... REAL TALK!


we both wanted kids yearrrrrrssss ago soo not much waiting. aloooot of bow chicka wow wowwwwww

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