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Casey Anthony found...


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Wow. I was stunned when I watched it live...


After a few minutes, I found myself believing that this sort of "justice" is possible in today's society; it's easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission. There is no doubt in my mind that she killed her daughter. I feel the jury pussed out on this one.

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I hate nancy Grace....I would wrap my hands around her fat neck, squeeze as tight as I couls and watch every last bit of life fall from her limp body if she ever comes withiin arms reach of me....


Wait.....What were we talking about?

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I hate nancy Grace....I would wrap my hands around her fat neck, squeeze as tight as I couls and watch every last bit of life fall from her limp body if she ever comes withiin arms reach of me....


Wait.....What were we talking about?


I want to see Nancy Grace beaten to death by small asian people.

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This is the type of thing we can expect from society today. The country simply does not have it's priorty's straight. It's why that soccer mom will cut you off this week, and then flip you off when you honk your horn. Same reason the Georgia supreme court said that the immigaration bill isn't fair because it's going to force all illegal immigrants to leave the state. There is no such thing as personal accountability. So much focus on making everything Fair.


It's because of one off cases, enough loop holes are created that reasonable doubt can be formed. Afterall, unless you physically saw someone commit the crime, there is really reasonable doubt. And even then, there are plenty of studies that prove eye witness accounts are not credible.

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About time the courts do something right.


Evidence was all speculative. Right decision was made.


I tend to agree. I'm not saying she didn't do it, but it wasn't beyond reasonable doubt. Innocent until proven guilty.


I know I, for one, have searched death, how to make chloroform, etc before, but I've never killed my 3 year old.

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I tend to agree. I'm not saying she didn't do it, but it wasn't beyond reasonable doubt. Innocent until proven guilty.


I know I, for one, have searched death, how to make chloroform, etc before, but I've never killed my 3 year old.


Reasonable Doubt being the keywords. There was more than enough reasonable doubt she didn't do it.


The Prosecution fucked themselves even better by trying her at once for everything. She got off an all the major offenses, which now she can never be tried for again. Had they had a competent prosecutor, he would have seen how weak the case was and just gone for murder this time. That would have left the other charges available to try later.


At any rate, good for the justice system for once.

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