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'The Car Show' tonight @ 10pm

Steve R.

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I didnt mind it at all..


Only thing that annoyed me is when he said that the GT3 can only do a mile at 166... With a pro driver it could go faster.


My supporting argument is in bold.


Of course a pro could do better, 9mph better? probably not.

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Whats your argument...


I just said i didnt mind it, I have my opinion as do you.


I didnt say the car could do 175 MPH which was his personal goal. I just said it could go faster. Just was annoying when he firmly said it COULD NOT. Tis is all.

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I'm willing to watch it next week, at least they didn't copy segment ideas for the show.


top gear us did a straight line segment but all 3 hosts were there competing with each other


both top gears have raced cars againest planes, helicopters, etc


top gear has shot and blown up multiple cars




besides badly copying top gear:

the ghost review sucked.. jeremy clarkson blew a tire on a bentley brooklyn review and they were worried about eating a burger in a ghost


They also should have had to find their own cars for the lemons race instead of just showing up to an already prepared car.. no theme was disappointing (and they actually complained about that guy having dirty hands? he just finished your car for you!)


interviewed a nascar driver



I'm at least happy to see people on here were not amazed by the show... i'm already seeing good reviews and not sure why


next week doesnt look promising.. they seemed to find the most vain females they could with the biggest tits, who probably have issues driving their automatic prisus to the local mall without problems, for a driving lesson in a manual sports car (it might be amusing but i don't have high hopes)

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top gear us did a straight line segment but all 3 hosts were there competing with each other


both top gears have raced cars againest planes, helicopters, etc


top gear has shot and blown up multiple cars




besides badly copying top gear:

the ghost review sucked.. jeremy clarkson blew a tire on a bentley brooklyn review and they were worried about eating a burger in a ghost


They also should have had to find their own cars for the lemons race instead of just showing up to an already prepared car.. no theme was disappointing (and they actually complained about that guy having dirty hands? he just finished your car for you!)


interviewed a nascar driver



I'm at least happy to see people on here were not amazed by the show... i'm already seeing good reviews and not sure why


next week doesnt look promising.. they seemed to find the most vain females they could with the biggest tits, who probably have issues driving their automatic prisus to the local mall without problems, for a driving lesson in a manual sports car (it might be amusing but i don't have high hopes)


Agreed, I thought it was bearable, and just barely.

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Guest Z Fag Jr.

John Sallys presence is a complete mystery to me he looks really out of place and without car knowledge. Adam does not look comfortable either he seems to squint looking at the teleprompter(that bothers me like he is trying to look into my living room). I don't see them making a funny group either seem to be missing some dynamic, John Sally is an awkward tag a long. Porsche GT3 RS + strait line= stupid, not what the car is made for at all. <-really shows a lack of understanding of basic car knowledge. It also looks like a low budget sports show.


I would like to say something positive, I would like to want to watch this show, trouble is I can't. The next episode looks worse then this one. It might be that I'm not seventeen and really don't care about girls with fake tit's and "car guys" trying to show how cool they are by teaching them how to drive stick.That's just offensive.


I like Fifth Gear and Top Gear both US and UK, they are different shows but both good in their own way. I know all car shows don't have to follow the same format, but this is juvenile.


To fit in with their humor this show. The show is like a big fart, you think its going to be hilarious so you wait to unleash it, but when you do it's a squishy wet fart. What are you left with? That's right shit and your embarrassed that you even did it in the first place.

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top gear us did a straight line segment but all 3 hosts were there competing with each other


both top gears have raced cars againest planes, helicopters, etc


top gear has shot and blown up multiple cars




besides badly copying top gear:

the ghost review sucked.. jeremy clarkson blew a tire on a bentley brooklyn review and they were worried about eating a burger in a ghost


They also should have had to find their own cars for the lemons race instead of just showing up to an already prepared car.. no theme was disappointing (and they actually complained about that guy having dirty hands? he just finished your car for you!)


interviewed a nascar driver



I'm at least happy to see people on here were not amazed by the show... i'm already seeing good reviews and not sure why


next week doesnt look promising.. they seemed to find the most vain females they could with the biggest tits, who probably have issues driving their automatic prisus to the local mall without problems, for a driving lesson in a manual sports car (it might be amusing but i don't have high hopes)


yeah, I understand that some things will overlap, especially because topgear has been around so long that they have already covered almost everything. I guess I meant that it was not a carbon copy. I did not see any celebrities in cheap cars, or mystery driver setting lap times.


Don't get me wrong, personally I feel there is no replacement for topgear UK. I'm just saying that I will watch to see if it improves.

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I thought I would toss in my .02 as I just recently attended a live filming for the second season of Top Gear US (free tickets FTW!). While we, the audience, were waiting between segments, they were showing us all of the rough edits of Season 2. The four episodes we watched were SUBSTANTIALLY better than anything the first season did. I won't do too many spoilers, but our episode's "Star in a Small Car" was Bridget Marquadt and she is pretty damn cute IRL, but a terribly slow driver.

Moral of the story is, give it time to work out the kinks. Good chemistry between hosts takes time, and that's crucial to a good show.

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I knew adam was a real gearhead so I thought it would be good... To my surprise he is the worst thing about the show. Also John sally was ok till he got all tree hugger about leather seats. I will watch it again for now but I have a feeling it will be much like Car warriors in that I watch it till half way through a episode I get pissed and throw the remote at the tv and cuss
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I thought I would toss in my .02 as I just recently attended a live filming for the second season of Top Gear US (free tickets FTW!). While we, the audience, were waiting between segments, they were showing us all of the rough edits of Season 2. The four episodes we watched were SUBSTANTIALLY better than anything the first season did. I won't do too many spoilers, but our episode's "Star in a Small Car" was Bridget Marquadt and she is pretty damn cute IRL, but a terribly slow driver.

Moral of the story is, give it time to work out the kinks. Good chemistry between hosts takes time, and that's crucial to a good show.


Thank god someone else finally understands this.

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