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Been wanting to pick up a 1911 for a while, and found a pretty good deal on this one.

(sorry it is a cell phone pic)



Kimber Custom II



I haven't shot it yet(I have shot similar ones) but it feels great in the hand.

I'll update Sunday once I actually see how I do with it.


Btw the guys at Woodbury in coshocton are really cool to deal with.

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I did some work to the stock trigger and it completely changed the gun. I would highly suggest getting that trigger smoothed out. The Kimber mags suck too.


Nice buy, I love mine. Before the Kimber haters come in, my only failures were due to the mags and I have no had a single issue in the last 1k+ rounds.

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  2highpsi said:
I have read about the mags being shit...

Any recommendation on replacements??


I held just about every 1911 they had in stock and this just felt the best. (In all fairness they were out of Springfields)



Wilson Combat Mags are regarded amongst the best.....



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  KillJoy said:
Wilson Combat Mags are regarded amongst the best.....




Those are what I use. Never had an issue with them.


Edit: While I'm thinking about it, make sure you wipe that thing down with a silicon cloth every time you handle it.

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Couldnt wait for the Springfield huh, lol, nice looking gun, Ill have to pit it against my TRP, I would suggest a trigger job also, never liked the kimber trigger feel. On a side note I own 6 kim pro tach mags and they function flawless in my TRP and look good as well. Friend of mine used same mags in his full rail TRP and they wouldnt release when the mag release was pushed. He uses wilsons now, I still use my kim pro tach mags with extended slam pads and I love them.


Ill bring out the TRP one day and we will play

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Ok just got back from shooting all morning.

The gun shoots just awesome. It's accurate as can be. I also love the way it recovers naturally back to where I want it in between shots.

We had 8" targets set up at 15', two at 30', and one at 60'

I was able to hit all consecutively fairly fast by the end of the morning.

Right before we left I set up a half lit cigarette at 30'.

My first shot was off 1" and the second one hit.

Honestly... It makes me a better shooter than I really am.


Now to the bad.

That magazine really is the biggest peice of shit ever. I am amazed that they can't make a magazine that fucking works. It failed to chamber atleast 5 times today.

I'm ordering the Wilson mags today. If that resolves the problem, I will never get rid of this gun.


Jamie, hit me up. Got a sweet place to shoot.

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Are you sure it's the magazine?


I don't own a Kimber, but I have a couple of friends who do and it took a few hundred rounds for the guns operate as reliably as they should. I suppose with the very tight tolerances, it takes some time for them to "wear in." ?

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  KillJoy said:
Don't replace ANYTHING until you have 200+ full power rounds through it.


Get it broke in before diagnosing a feeding issue....




Yes, I agree. You also need to make sure you are shooting it right. If you fail with your grip, you can cause malfunctions (e.g., FTF) with a 1911.

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  2highpsi said:
I'm not sure. I just hoped it was the magazine.

These weren't jams... They were literally a full action that left the chamber completely empty??



You weren't shooting cheapo Wolf ammo were you? That stuff is so inconsistent that sometimes it just doesn't seem to have enough power to cycle the action. If the slide doesn't come back all the way, it can't strip off the next round.


Nice pistol, BTW. :)

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:) not as sweet as our place to shoot :) lol


sounds like a mag feed issue, if im out that way ill try and drop ya off one of my kim pros.

Hit me up if you will be out this way one day this week after 5, see if we can round up fowler and some of the boys and go play a little at START, shoot some steel plates or something.

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The ammo isn't the greatest.. But not the worst.

Winchester 230 gr FMJ


I didn't limp wrist it either. I have used the same ammo, and same shooting technique on a lot of guns and never had the problem with any of them.


I did field strip, clean, and lube the gun tonight. The owners manual does say that break in is 400 rounds... So we will see. I ran 100+ through it today, and plan on doing the same later this week.

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  2highpsi said:
The ammo isn't the greatest.. But not the worst.

Winchester 230 gr FMJ


I didn't limp wrist it either. I have used the same ammo, and same shooting technique on a lot of guns and never had the problem with any of them.


I did field strip, clean, and lube the gun tonight. The owners manual does say that break in is 400 rounds... So we will see. I ran 100+ through it today, and plan on doing the same later this week.


Well.... in 300 rounds..... troubleshoot a feeding issue (after having a "pro" shoot it)...



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I wonder if the feed ramp needs some polishing. That's a big issue with the Kimbers is the tight tolerances out of the box and shit magazines. I've run both Wilsons and Chip McCormick mags through my 1911's and never had an issue. Winchester is far from crap ammo either, but for shits and giggles run some CCI, Federal and PMI ammo if you get a chance.
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