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High needs kids


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Anyone else in here have a high needs child?


Its such a rollercoaster. You have some "wins" and can go for what seems like a good while thinking you're making progress, and then a big setback hits and it completely trashes your world. Gutkick x10.


Sometimes it makes it feel like any progress is illusion. That all you're doing is trading one set of problems for the next bigger set.


Sorry, just looking for a "been there, done that" voice.


It drains you.

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I have never raised a high needs child but I can understand that it can be difficult. I think you have to provide the most nurturing environment you can and reward positive actions and discourage negative ones. If you are doing these things, that is your job as a parent and you are being successful.
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I don't have kids, but I'm a teacher. Not uncommon for me to have 2 at a time (for my limited class period). You do what you can, when you can. If you need to, you take it 1 minute at a time. Just don't give in when the kid blows a gasket. Kids are ALWAYS learning, special needs or not, they NEVER STOP LEARNING. If they learn that blowing a gasket will get them what they want (even once), then buckle up, it's gonna be a bumpy ride. I only have to work with them 2.5 hours a day typically, my heart goes out to the parents who have to work (and I do mean work) with them the other 16 when they aren't in school. Hang in there man.
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My kids want fed like daily ... talk about high needs.







For clarification, i'm not making light of your situation. I may not have high needs kids but I can empathize how frustrating that must be.

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My kids want fed like daily ... talk about high needs.







For clarification, i'm not making light of your situation. I may not have high needs kids but I can empathize how frustrating that must be.


* insert racial asian joke here*






I have been around some high needs children/teens. I would not wish it on anyone. Props to Buck and yourself for being able to get through it.

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: insert parental rant here :


That being said you take the good days with the bad days. Personally as frustrating as it is when my son has a meltdown I know he's still my son, and we have to work a little harder at times but he loves his mother and I, and we will always love him. It leaves a boatload of tension in the house between himself and his siblings at times but we work through it.



It's not a reason not to have kids. That is a decision you make early on that you're not the parenting type and you devote your life to other activities.

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: insert parental rant here :





That is a decision you make early on that you're not the parenting type and you devote your life to other activities.


I wish other fuck head parents would understand this. Stop asking me when I am going to have kids. I have other things to devote my time to.

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* Give them a calculator they will entertain themselves.*






I have been around some high needs children/teens. I would not wish it on anyone. Props to Buck and yourself for being able to get through it.




Sorry to hear that you're feeling beat, Mowgli. I have had plenty of encounters being around special needs children, and, taking care of them for 45 minutes at a time can be difficult. Keep being a good dad, you can't be asked for much more.

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Just keep on moving forward. I don't have much experience, but I've talked to my sister about it a lot. She's a teacher and has all of the ED kids in her class. It can be trying, you've just got to keep focused and keep moving along.
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My older sister has special needs and will have to be taken care of by me or my parents for the rest of her life. The main thing that's hard is constantly keeping in mind their limits and not having expectations that are too high.
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