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A cop not being an asshole.

Rally Pat

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I thought jeremy was being kind of a dick. Or is it just me?


I think he was trying to prod the cop to see if he could get him to go off. This whole thing seems like he was trying to bait cops in to showing up just so he could record what happens anyway.

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Right..maybe im missing something...was it unloaded therefore he doesnt need to show any id but if it was loaded he wouldve had to show his permit? Either way, i wouldve shown my id...not like i got anything to hide, and it may speed things up...idk..maybe im way off.
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That's an example of how most cops act, these types of videos just don't get out very often.


Plus a million. I know it cool for the the fresh to def 15yos on this site to listen to gangster rap, wear their hats backwards and not like th police but this is "real talk".

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Is it bad that I actually wanted to see Jeremy get kicked in the jimmy ?


I hate people that purposely go out and ruffle feathers in hopes of entrapping someone.

Dude needs to get a life/ job/ girlfriend or something.


Also, needs to get booted from the Corps.


<---Considering sending an email to Oceanside PD commending their officer on how he handled being recorded by an obvious troublemaker/clown.

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I hate people that purposely go out and ruffle feathers in hopes of entrapping someone. Dude needs to get a life/ job/ girlfriend or something.


^^ this. Seems most prevelant up in the NE, Mass. area where all the copblock.org freaks live. Wasting our cities resources to try and pretend they know the law and feel they need to show how they can exercise their rights. Such heros :fuckyeah:

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Also, needs to get booted from the Corps.


Dumb comment. This video has nothing to do with the Corps. The cop asked if he was in, he said yes. That's what kept t on the same level and the cop knew, as did Jermey, that they were both right.


I seem to recall people on here arranging an open carry outing a month or so ago. Everyone was all for it last I read. Jermey does it on his own and exercises other rights and he's a dick? He may not have been smooth, but he's absolutely in his right. Shame on him for being independent. Yeah, we don't want people like that serving to protect our country.

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I seem to recall people on here arranging an open carry outing a month or so ago. Everyone was all for it last I read. Jermey does it on his own and exercises other rights and he's a dick? He may not have been smooth, but he's absolutely in his right. Shame on him for being independent. Yeah, we don't want people like that serving to protect our country.


he was being a standoffish dick. And youre a dick for staying on your side of the isle and Failing to recognize that hes just a just a dick with a camera who happens to like open carry. It has nothing to do with being a marine or people trying to take away my merican god given right to independence . McCarthyism at its finest.

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In CA it is my understanding that it is legal to open carry as long as the firearm is unloaded. I was also under the impression you were required to provided a police officer with your name and address if asked, but were not required to provide ID if you were not operating a motor vehicle.


Jeremy looks like he was trying to start shit IMO.

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he was being a standoffish dick. And youre a dick for staying on your side of the isle and Failing to recognize that hes just a just a dick with a camera who happens to like open carry. It has nothing to do with being a marine or people trying to take away my merican god given right to independence . McCarthyism at its finest.


I'm not here to jump on your band wagon of popularity. You can choke on the next cock shoved in your face for all I care. Calling me a dick for understanding he was within his rights and stating he wasn't smooth about his approach, is weak. I'm pretty sure if he was suppose to give more info, the cop would have handled that. The officer was more than accommodating and understood the limits of both side. Great job.


Doesn't mean Jermey should get booted from the Marines.

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