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Tips for executing skunks within city limits?

Guest Hal

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+1 I also have a Gamo break barrell I use for when I hear kids out over at my closest neighbor but must kill something. Mine has a silencer and is in .22. Hits pretty good. Wait, wait wait....that makes it sound like I'm hunting children. I am usually shooting ground hogs....I just don't feel like scaring any children close by with gun shots. I'm a considerate killer like that.


interesting- two accounts on a .22 break barrell doing the job on ground hogs- what distance are you shooting them at harmonda?

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I trapped a skunk a few weeks ago in Pickerington.


Drowning is the only real way to get rid of the skunk without him spraying anything. It will spray if you shoot it and mostly likely if you poison it. I have a friend that works for ODNR and he said drowning is the preferred method. As was mentioned earlier, it is illegal to relocate any nuisance animal.


The best possible way to eradicate all animals in the area is poisoning. Fly bait and soda will do the trick much more effective than antifreeze. But again, they will likely spray when they die and you'll have a pile of cats and dogs within a 10 feet radius.


I have a live trap and a giant tupperware bin that the trap fits in.


1. Trap skunk, cover with blanket. They can be approached during the day just don't do anything sudden. Skunks are mostly a docile animal. I covered mine up in the middle of the day when he was sleeping. The blanket keeps them calm when you move the trap, if you're really good they might not even wake up.


2. Fill bin with water, drop skunk filled trap in bin and cover with lid. It's best to get a bin that you can't see through if you're not into watching things die.


3. 30 minutes later dispose of skunk.


Wear gloves, boots and cloths you aren't really fond of just in case. Eye protection is really important too.


Good Luck

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If you pay me I'll dispose of left over bodies. There is only a handful of things I can actually smell anymore, skunks not being one of them.


Thanks, but they didn't leave much to be disposed of.

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