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Race Videos and Music


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I have a couple of projects I am going to be working and and want some input. Very simple question:


What kind of music sounds the best on racing videos?


Now we all have different tastes in music, so I personally avoid trying to use one extreme of the other (death metal, techno, shit rap music).

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Hmmm not the response I was expecting.


I have used music in my videos to try and cover up the fucking dumb things people say. I did not use some cilps from Milan because of this.


I would use some when things are building up but actual racing I would shut it off or dull it down quite a bit.

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I would use some when things are building up but actual racing I would shut it off or dull it down quite a bit.


I have also wanted to start play with the music volume too in the background. It can be a good tool depending on where in the video you are at.



The project I have in mind will actually need music to really set the tone. I think playing the song in the background will be a requirement, but it will be turned way down in certaint parts.

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Get a basic idea of what the video will be, then use your choice of music and build the video around the songs. When I was big into videography, I would sit on Youtube/iTunes until I found a song that fit what I'd visualized and then ran with it.
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I like music through everything except the cars launching, turn it of when they are pre stagging or have it fade low so you can hear the cars and then bring it back in after they go through the traps. Also having the music shut off completely, long enough for a quck saying from someone or shit talking and then cut back in to music/racing. I like heavy stuff or rap though.
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  • 6 months later...
cool. Figure out a way to turn down the music levels when a races start and you're good.


With the software I want to buy I should have that ability.


Stuff I have thought about











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