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?'s For People Who Have Had Their License Suspended For Tickets


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I was in your shoes once.. You aren't admitting guilt until you pay the ticket, so, wait for the first two points to naturally drop off from time then go pay this one. Sure you'll have a warrant out for your arrest for a bit, but this way you won't have to bother with court and all that.
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Been there, pick your poision:

1) get attorney - he will either get it dropped or at minimum plead down to a no pint charge

2) try above yourself, usually not very successful

3) plead guilty and do not drive until after your suspension ends

4) plead guilty and drive while suspended then get arrested for driving on suspended license and car impounded

5) plead guilty, then complete court ordered driving course

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Course Doesnt Remove points....Its a two point future Credit....Id Take it before the points hit, but they may back date to the date of offense, so if so , your gonna have to try to get no points with a lawyer somehow.
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I hope you lose your license for being an idiot. That would make me very happy, idiot.


I was in your shoes once.. You aren't admitting guilt until you pay the ticket, so, wait for the first two points to naturally drop off from time then go pay this one. Sure you'll have a warrant out for your arrest for a bit, but this way you won't have to bother with court and all that.


Or, keep filing for continuances so you don't have a warrant. :dumb:

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If you are at the threshold for suspension. Do you take the safe driving course before or after you go to court?


if you're one ticket away from 12pts and a suspension, you should be taking the safe driving course every time you get behind the wheel. :dumb:



Cliffs....I am one more ticket from 12 points and got a ticket the other day.So would I take after or before going to court to keep my license? Thanks


Cliffs: You'll gain no sympathy or rep points here for the above. IMO keeping your license is further down on your list of concerns needing addressed. I think you should voluntarily give up driving for a while.

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i pleaded a ticket down once, 70 in a 55 over on 161/270 on the west side...never drove over there and didnt realize it dropped down


ticket was $90, went in, talked to prosecutor, explained been trying to clear up my license, he checked my record, believed me (it was actually true, lol), let me plead it to equipments violation, cost me $100 total (yes, $10 more than ticket), and he gave me like 5 weeks to pay it


but in your case, your record shows you're a shitty driver, so i'd say your fucked. sorry for getting your hopes up while reading this. hahah

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Damn, that's a lot of tickets....



My only question is WHY THE F would you let them get that far in the first place???


Get a lawyer EVERY time to fight them, dismissed, or plea bargained before I would EVER pay a ticket and have it go on my record. All you are doing is giving the state free money AND increasing your insurance rates. You're going to pay either way, may as well have them gone for the same cost...

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Ok thanks for the advise. For everyone killing me I had no tickets in 5 years until the last year. I was working out of town in Muskingham County. I think if you sneeze you get a ticket. I got three tickets in one month. I swear I wasnt speeding either. I made the mistake of not getting a lawyer thinking it would be like Columbus and got screwed. The prosecutor wouldnt even talk to me and I had to cross exam the cop myself etc. I caught him in some mistakes and they still found me guilty. So I just plead guilty to the other two because didnt have money for a lawyer.


Unfortunately, this one is in Pickaway County so I am guessing the wheels of justice work the same there too. I am guessing they will just throw the book at me etc. What an average lawyer charge for traffic offenses? How much does the class cost?

Edited by mustangman2011
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Ok thanks for the advise. For everyone killing me I had no tickets in 5 years until the last year. I was working out of town in Muskingham County. I think if you sneeze you get a ticket. I got three tickets in one month. I swear I wasnt speeding either. I made the mistake of not getting a lawyer thinking it would be like Columbus and got screwed. The prosecutor wouldnt even talk to me and I had to cross exam the cop myself etc. I caught him in some mistakes and they still found me guilty. So I just plead guilty to the other two because didnt have money for a lawyer.


Unfortunately, this one is in Pickaway County so I am guessing the wheels of justice work the same there too. I am guessing they will just throw the book at me etc. What an average lawyer charge for traffic offenses? How much does the class cost?


Idk, everytime a cop has pulled me over for speeding I was speeding..... Like the time I got pulled over twice in a month for 11 over by Grove City. Find your cruise control knob, it's usually on the steering column. :gabe:

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I took everyone's advice and used a lawyer for some really serious speeding tickets before, and what a huge waste of money that was. The lawyer didn't do shit for me. IMO if you're going to plead guilty, you're a lot better off getting a public defender. You'll get driving privileges under your suspension which I'm assuming will be 6 months for you
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whats the top speed of a kia ?



^^ ha, ha, but my sister drives a Kia Soul and has gotten 3 tickets in the last year while driving it :fuuuu: WTF!! if you're going to get a speeding ticket, at least do it in something worth speeding in. Her last one was 67 in a 35 going through a small town off 33 north of Cbus. Go figure.

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