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idk who he is, but im guessing he has some quadruple short position or something.


He predicts these ridiculous things, barely knicks the edge of the predictions, then at the end of the year gives himself a "self evaluation" and says they were right. He says he runs at like ~60% correct, when the best economists in the world run something like an average of 30%. He is a technical chart Rand Paul kinda guy, but the type that hopes for collapse so he can say "SEE!!! SEE!! I WAS RIGHT!! HAHAHAHAHAHA"

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thanks obama and congress with their need to spend more then we have taking on debt that cant be paid back, screwing our currency causing inflation.


I love how everybody just loves to blame Obama for everything.....


I heard Obama caused WWII and the death of Hightower!

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It's not specifically Obamas, it's Obama and Congress/House. They spent all that time bitching and moaning for basically no change at all. People were looking for the government to get under control and it came no where close.
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It's not specifically Obamas, it's Obama and Congress/House. They spent all that time bitching and moaning for basically no change at all. People were looking for the government to get under control and it came no where close.


It is YEARS of failed policy by all parties. YEARS of pissing money away and now economics has showed up to collect the tab.


Our political system is offically a joke run by nothing more than trash in suits. When the revolution happens they will be the first ones to go.

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It is YEARS of failed policy by all parties. YEARS of pissing money away and now economics has showed up to collect the tab.


Our political system is offically a joke run by nothing more than trash in suits. When the revolution happens they will be the first ones to go.


Agreed. This whole shitmess started during WWII. Companies were desperate for employees so they started benefits trend. Companies started paying more into retirement, benefits, etc more than what their employees were contributing. Then the unions got involved and continued the stupidity with factories, city gov, and federal systems. Everything is fine when companies are making shittons of money. The problem comes around when the profits dip and companies realise that oh shit were are paying more into benefits than what are profits our. So companies fail, cities go bankrupt, and raise the fuck out of taxes. With this NAFTA/globalizasion of our economy, companies said fuck paying people 20 an hour plus benefits to assemble a toaster. Our government from all parties allowed hundreds of thousands of jobs to go overseas. As long as the politicians and buddies kept making money they didn't give a shit. Now it's finally reaching a breaking point. This in combination with the government to use as many social welfare programs to get votes.


Heres an example, my father contributes 10% into his retirement. His company contribures 14%. Were talking an income over 100k . You multiply that across the board for management/higher ups, shits gets expensive fast.

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