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Not that I could afford AAPL, but I can't help but think that 75% of investors should have already accounted for him leaving. Then again, maybe not, looks to be down 5% in aftermarket trading.


Yeah, it may have already been priced in. I wouldn't doubt that at all. I suspect they'll have a rocky day tomorrow then rebound.

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Not gonna lie, I have considered gold. Even if its a bubble right now, it will always be of value.


I think everyone should own at least some.


I agree. I have no problem with 5%


When people start saying shit like "Gold is king" "Gold is safe" blah blah blah, all I can thing about, is that same conversation 7 years ago...

"Real estate is king" "real estate is safe" blah blah blah


Too much of anything is bad.

Without being diversified and properly hedged, NOTHING is safe. Sadly enough that goes for CDs and treasuries too.......

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I agree. I have no problem with 5%


When people start saying shit like "Gold is king" "Gold is safe" blah blah blah, all I can thing about, is that same conversation 7 years ago...

"Real estate is king" "real estate is safe" blah blah blah


Too much of anything is bad.

Without being diversified and properly hedged, NOTHING is safe. Sadly enough that goes for CDs and treasuries too.......


I'm young and should be taking bigger risks, but the past few yrs on the mkt have me so jaded, I am seeking dividends, blue chips, precious metals, bond funds, sacrificing opportunity cost by dumping more into my 401k cause I can't make money in the market otherwise, etc.


When billion dollar hedge funds can't break even, who the hell am I to try to beat the market?

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I'm young and should be taking bigger risks, but the past few yrs on the mkt have me so jaded, I am seeking dividends, blue chips, precious metals, bond funds, sacrificing opportunity cost by dumping more into my 401k cause I can't make money in the market otherwise, etc.


When billion dollar hedge funds can't break even, who the hell am I to try to beat the market?


If you believe in the system, just dump as much money in systematically as you can into all that stuff you just said.


MOST people that are retired now with millions from investing didn't get that way from being smart. They got that way from being systematic. Time makes money in the market. When you are young (myself included) long term IRA money loves dips in the markets with dividend paying stocks. The dividends (assuming you reinvest) just buy you more shares that compound your gains down the road.

Some people don't have the stomach for the market. Truth be told, a low PE market in your prime earning years is a gold mine for people with the sack to keep buying in.

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How did you gold bugs fair today?


full disclosure: I didn't read the last couple pages


I have been doing quit well with my silver and gold. Gold will be 2k/oz here soon, silver will be 50oz here soon.


I can't complain. I bought silver at 5,7,9,11,14,17 I bought gold for 700, 750


I am making money everyday without worry

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  • 4 weeks later...
If you believe in the system, just dump as much money in systematically as you can into all that stuff you just said.


MOST people that are retired now with millions from investing didn't get that way from being smart. They got that way from being systematic. Time makes money in the market. When you are young (myself included) long term IRA money loves dips in the markets with dividend paying stocks. The dividends (assuming you reinvest) just buy you more shares that compound your gains down the road.

Some people don't have the stomach for the market. Truth be told, a low PE market in your prime earning years is a gold mine for people with the sack to keep buying in.




I got my wife scared with all the money I'm dumping into the market, but unless a total collapse of society as we know it occurs I'm set to do well down the road.

In the mean time I swing/day trade and pull off little gains here and there to buy toys with.

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Thank god I'm not involved in the stock market or I'll go batshit on the investors.


"Hey look, that guy's selling"




*market crashes*


The media is what is destroying this country. well the fact that people listen to the media is the bigger problem.

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Don't put in too much in 1 place.


"You gota diversify yo bonds nugga!"

Wu Tang Clan Financial - Most successful fund management firm on earth


lol hell yeah!


To add to the rest, we lost a few thousand as well. Life sucks sometimes, but there's more to it than piles of money... or is there...?

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  • 2 weeks later...


i am faced with what to do. sell citi and bank of america, or ride out their storm. i have lost my ass basically already, but can recover some cash by selling now.


ready, set, go!


If you think the stock will fall, Sell.

If you think the stock will rise, hold/buy.

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