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Sanctions from NCAA


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I think ESPN should be banned from coming on campus honestly. They were on a witch hunt and blew everything out of proportion. You can say "oh no they didn't" all you want but the truth is yes they did. You didn't hear them doing this shit over Bruce Pearl (Tennesee basketball coach), you didnt hear them blowing the USC shit up to this level. ESPN is the demise of sports honestly, they are the ones hyping the Eagles up as "The Dream Team", they hyped the Heat up as unbeatable, they slobber all over the SEC's dicks, now they are backing Texas and The LongHorn Network. Fuck ESPN!
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I think ESPN should be banned from coming on campus honestly. They were on a witch hunt and blew everything out of proportion. You can say "oh no they didn't" all you want but the truth is yes they did. You didn't hear them doing this shit over Bruce Pearl (Tennesee basketball coach), you didnt hear them blowing the USC shit up to this level. ESPN is the demise of sports honestly, they are the ones hyping the Eagles up as "The Dream Team", they hyped the Heat up as unbeatable, they slobber all over the SEC's dicks, now they are backing Texas and The LongHorn Network. Fuck ESPN!


They're pushing the fucking longhorn network here. Pretty funny when Texas isn't innocent themselves. ESPN is all about ratings and jock swinging whoever is worth while for them. I never could stand ESPN to begin with, especially during the NBA finals.

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I think ESPN should be banned from coming on campus honestly. They were on a witch hunt and blew everything out of proportion. You can say "oh no they didn't" all you want but the truth is yes they did. You didn't hear them doing this shit over Bruce Pearl (Tennesee basketball coach), you didnt hear them blowing the USC shit up to this level. ESPN is the demise of sports honestly, they are the ones hyping the Eagles up as "The Dream Team", they hyped the Heat up as unbeatable, they slobber all over the SEC's dicks, now they are backing Texas and The LongHorn Network. Fuck ESPN!





If I was Luke Fickel I would tell espn to kiss my ass and say no interviews from the team this year

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Ha Ha you all are funny, if you were for real you wouldn't watch the games hosted on ESPN, and really stand behind your opinions, but you all will to continue to watch even when they are only on ESPN. That is buckeye nation in a nut shell. Yes it's ESPNs fault for the coach purposely covering up why a star player would be ineligible, and this isn't the first time he has done it. Yes this is ESPN's fault making more of it than it was. :rolleyes:


All I have to say is "later cheater", no other D1 football program has had more NCAA violations in the last 10 years than OSU. (this includes USC) I can't believe they pick on OSU. :rolleyes:

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Oh and in 6 weeks when nothing else happens and OSU skates scott free esentially because OSU has a friend in the NCAA, you will still be mad that your cheating coach had to leave. I wish the death penalty could still be used, this place needs knocked down a peg or 10, this is not Pro ball.
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They're pushing the fucking longhorn network here. Pretty funny when Texas isn't innocent themselves. ESPN is all about ratings and jock swinging whoever is worth while for them. I never could stand ESPN to begin with, especially during the NBA finals.


So let me get this straight....


The NCAA has no problem with Texas showing HIGH SCHOOL GAMES on the longhorn network? How is that not an NCAA violation? "oh hey we gonna show your games on the longhorn network, wanna come to texas while your at it?"


NCAA is a joke, ESPN is a bigger joke.


Where is all the coverage for UNC and the fact their coach was FIRED for allowing academic cheating and a coach moonlighting as a scout?


ESPN has more imporant things to cover like when they tossed Michigan under the bus for their players practicing more than the NCAA allows. Then the NCAA plowed UM for that, yet other schools do it too.


In short I hope ESPN burns to the ground along with the NCAA

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They need the death penalty for having players sell personal belonging for tattoos? But yet its ok for the SEC to 1. Oversign 2. Pay a kid 180k (Cam Newton) It was ok for Florida to have the highest arrested player rate in the last 5 years or so? Sounds to me like you need to be knocked down a peg or 2.


You do know most of those violations you are referring to were caused by more then just the football program right? I mean OSU could be worse, they could be Florida State which had damn 23 players caught cheating on online exams.


I honestly wish all the Buckeye games were on the B10 Network, therefore I wouldn't have to watch them on ESPN or ABC. I miss having Buckeye games on CBS, but now that is nothing but SEC garbage.


ESPN is pushing for an Ohio State collapse that isn't going to come. They are pissed at the Big10 due to the B10 Network plain and simple. Did Tressell lie, sure I don't think anyone here is denying that. The thing that pisses me off is how over publicized it has become. You don't hear shit about Oregon's pending scandal regardding recruiting. You don't hear shit about Florida players being arrested, Tennesee players robbing fans at gunpoint in a fucking gas station, the list goes on.


Wagner the NCAA said the LongHorn Network isn't allowed to show highschool games, that just came out a couple days ago.

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I'd like to see the death penalty not because of the current sanctions, because this town can't support any other sports, fuck just to get a tiny race track here it's taking years, the blue jackets have empty seats every night just about, The crew have the worst attendance in the league. When they brought Pro ball here no body went. But fuck there is a buckeye game on, let's put more pressure on the young men and treat them like pro athletes and get mad when they make bad decisions.
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no other D1 football program has had more NCAA violations in the last 10 years than OSU. (this includes USC) I can't believe they pick on OSU. :rolleyes:


I don't believe there are actual stats on the football programs violations specifically but overall OSU has the most violations reported over the last decade or so. That's covering all sports at OSU. And OSU has the most sports of any school in the country. So that's pretty much a given.

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And as for ESPN, alittlelessordinary covered most of that. I'd love to see the Big 10 continue to move away from ESPN/ABC and put more games and exclusive coverage on the Big Ten Network. Of course we're going to continue to watch our favorite team play their games on ESPN. Sure as hell aren't going to support their "original" programming and watch stuff like SportsCenter, Outside the Lines, etc. Don't go to their website anymore either.


There's an article out there about Jim Delany and the Big 10/ESPN negotiations that took place back in 2004 where ESPN lowballed him on a new coverage offer and Delany threatened to do his own thing (the BTN) and ESPN basically said I dare you so he did it. And that network alone provided each member school with around $8 million last year. A 20% increase over the previous year and it's only going to continue to rise. ESPN is mad that 1) they lost the ability to maximize their profits off of OSU and the Big 10 and 2) the Big Ten Network has shown other conferences that they can go away from ESPN, do their own network and make TONS of money.

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Oh and in 6 weeks when nothing else happens and OSU skates scott free esentially because OSU has a friend in the NCAA, you will still be mad that your cheating coach had to leave. I wish the death penalty could still be used, this place needs knocked down a peg or 10, this is not Pro ball.


:lolguy: Pro ball :rolleyes:

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Oh and in 6 weeks when nothing else happens and OSU skates scott free esentially because OSU has a friend in the NCAA, you will still be mad that your cheating coach had to leave. I wish the death penalty could still be used, this place needs knocked down a peg or 10, this is not Pro ball.


Ha Ha you all are funny, if you were for real you wouldn't watch the games hosted on ESPN, and really stand behind your opinions, but you all will to continue to watch even when they are only on ESPN. That is buckeye nation in a nut shell. Yes it's ESPNs fault for the coach purposely covering up why a star player would be ineligible, and this isn't the first time he has done it. Yes this is ESPN's fault making more of it than it was. :rolleyes:


All I have to say is "later cheater", no other D1 football program has had more NCAA violations in the last 10 years than OSU. (this includes USC) I can't believe they pick on OSU. :rolleyes:


All I can gather from your angry rant is that u mad, bruh.


P.S. ESPN has lied in its stories at least two times about OSU in the past year. They've been caught, deal with it.


P.P.S. I won't watch any games on ESPN. Why? Because I have season tickets like a real fan.


P.P.P.S. Will you stop being so mad if Michigan can actually pull a win against OSU (unlikely)?

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I'm mad because this place is only about 1 team and 1 sport, almost 2 million people live here and we can't support anything else. I'm more into pro ball anyway, it's faster and more violent, men play it, not children.


Last I heard, these children, as you call them, become men when they turn 18. And how old are these "children" playing college ball?


How long have the Buckeyes been around? How long have these "Pro" sports been here in Columbus? That might have a little something to do with the fact that the people of Columbus are a bit more loyal to the Buckeyes.

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So are you mad at Los Angeles then? Because that town is all about USC outside of the Lakers (only if they are good), hell they have had 2 NFL teams move, no one cares about the Clippers. They have the Dodgers but who wants to go there and risk being beaten by the fans?


How about Florida where no pro team gets much love. They have a lot of pro teams yet none of them sell out. Hell the Marlins closed the upper level of their stadium off already for the remainder of the year due to shitty ticket sales. Like it or not OSU is a cash cow and brings a ton of money to the city of Columbus especially during fall and winter with Football and Basketball. Think about all the restraunts and gas stations that make a killing during home games.


The reason no one cares about the Blue Jackets is because its Hockey. Unfortunately Hockey isn't a real big draw here in the United States. Why do you think the NHL went belly up a few years ago, ticket sales, merchandise and tv ratings all were in the shitter. Same thing with Soccer, while its huge around the world, its not so hot here in the states. I see a ton of people at Clippers games since the new ball park opened up, whats the excuse for that?


The highest average attendance for a NHL team was 21k ppl a game. Columbus averages 13k a game. Its simple, put a better product out there and ticket sales will rise. You should be glad to know that MLS average attendance in 2010 was better then the NBA :) There are 105k at every OSU game regardless of who they are playing. Hell there was 100+k at the spring game in 06.

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Without ESPN Ohio State would have nowhere near the natiowide recruiting appeal they currently enjoy.


Are you high? All the negative publicity that ESPN has brought this year has killed recruiting for Ohio State. Take a look at this link and tell me what you notice about all the guys committed:




They are all from Ohio!!



9 out of 24 from last years class are from out of State with the furthest ones being from Florida which is loaded with Ohioans. Most the other guys are from PA, IN and IL:



2010 class had 9 our of 21 from out of state, again most from MI, IL, IN, PA, furthest being Florida:



So 18 out of 57 players in the last 3 classes. Ohio State has made a killing by getting all the top talent from Ohio and surrounding states. Not to mention turning 3 star players that were over looked by other schools and turning them into NFL caliber players. Would you like the list of 3 stars that are now in the NFL thanks to tOSU?


There are 34 players listed on the 2011 roster from outside of Ohio, thats a 105 man roster and alot of the out of state guys are walk-ons.

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Are you high? All the negative publicity that ESPN has brought this year has killed recruiting for Ohio State. Take a look at this link and tell me what you notice about all the guys committed:




They are all from Ohio!!



9 out of 24 from last years class are from out of State with the furthest ones being from Florida which is loaded with Ohioans. Most the other guys are from PA, IN and IL:



2010 class had 9 our of 21 from out of state, again most from MI, IL, IN, PA, furthest being Florida:



So 18 out of 57 players in the last 3 classes. Ohio State has made a killing by getting all the top talent from Ohio and surrounding states. Not to mention turning 3 star players that were over looked by other schools and turning them into NFL caliber players. Would you like the list of 3 stars that are now in the NFL thanks to tOSU?


There are 34 players listed on the 2011 roster from outside of Ohio, thats a 105 man roster and alot of the out of state guys are walk-ons.



You say that as if 30% of the roster is insignificant. And yeah, the national media is a double-edged sword. Here's a solution to not wanting to have negative media attention; NEVER GIVE THEM A REASON TO LOOK AT YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE.

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