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American Flag v. learn me


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PS I am pissed, I have flown a Gadsden Flag for quite a long time, now this fuckin Tea Party comes along and uses it as their symbol and when people saw it they only connect it to the fuckin tea party, so I can't fly the thing anymore because I am tired of answering questions. Fuck you Tea Party create a fucking symbol that is your's you unoriginal bastards.

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PS I am pissed, I have flown a Gadsden Flag for quite a long time, now this fuckin Tea Party comes along and uses it as their symbol and when people saw it they only connect it to the fuckin tea party, so I can't fly the thing anymore because I am tired of answering questions. Fuck you Tea Party create a fucking symbol that is your's you unoriginal bastards.


thanks. I always liked not only the look, but what it is. I agree.

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do i take her my old one? i honestly felt bad when i was taking it down and saw how beat up it got.


I only use them at work. I have a rep who comes and takes down the old flag and replaces it. I assume he takes the old one as well.

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In the US Code, Title 4, Chapter 1, Subsection 8k states:


The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.




Always thought it was rather ironic when people burned the flag in protest.

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PS I am pissed, I have flown a Gadsden Flag for quite a long time, now this fuckin Tea Party comes along and uses it as their symbol and when people saw it they only connect it to the fuckin tea party, so I can't fly the thing anymore because I am tired of answering questions. Fuck you Tea Party create a fucking symbol that is your's you unoriginal bastards.


Yes they did make this their symbol but it really shouldn't matter. I hate the tea party but I have a bumper sticker with this flag in my car that is worded pro-gun. I had one old guy ask me about it in a range parking once. He wanted to talk to me about tea party bullshit. I told him I hated the tea party and I wasn't a republican or a democrat. He asked me why I would have such a sticker. I said because that was the first flag carried by the marines in the American Revolution and our country was born on the right to bear arms. He looked at me weird and walked away :dumb:

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I was taught in boy scouts that proper burning of the flag was to have a small fire and start the burn in the center of the flag and once it's started to flop the rest in. Once the fire goes out take the rings out and bury them.


Yes I have actually done this a few times as I take pride in whats left of my country.

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