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interresting read.


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I wonder though how much their business employees pay for taxes though? So one person doesn't pay taxes, but if they have created 2,000 jobs that do, then it's still good. I could be wrong, I am just thinking outside the box.
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Well, the incentive of being rich.


To be honest, if you tax the rich too much they will just simply move to a country where they don't have to pay too much tax. So, in a way the us gov and congress are on to something. They are making America "rich-friendly" so more rich people of the world move here.

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No one is stopping the 'super rich' from paying additional money to the government... No one is stopping the 'Dems' from paying additional money to the government...


If someone thinks they don't pay enough taxes - they can definately pay more.

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Well, the incentive of being rich.


To be honest, if you tax the rich too much they will just simply move to a country where they don't have to pay too much tax. So, in a way the us gov and congress are on to something. They are making America "rich-friendly" so more rich people of the world move here.




tax the rich so damn much so that they can pay for everyone else's 'fuck-ups'. honestly, why should someone pay $10k in taxes per year, while someone else pays $100k, and yet another person pays $1million??


is the $1million tax guy entitled to more of the services that are funded through tax dollars:: http://frugaldad.com/2010/03/01/what-does-your-tax-money-actually-pay-for/ ??


does he get to randomly call 911 and have the cops patrol his driveway?? maybe have a firefighter camped out in his front yard?? free public college for his kids?? free trip to space?? absolutely no medical bills once he's on medicare?? the ability to swerve onto the other side of the orange barells to 'test out' the newly paved road before the $10k/year tax guy??


what gives the right for the gov't to tell someone they have to fill up a gym bag filled with $100's every year and just hand it over to uncle sam, while the guy next to him turns in a small stack of $100's, and the guy next to that pays absolutely nothing.

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tax the rich so damn much so that they can pay for everyone else's 'fuck-ups'. honestly, why should someone pay $10k in taxes per year, while someone else pays $100k, and yet another person pays $1million??


is the $1million tax guy entitled to more of the services that are funded through tax dollars:: http://frugaldad.com/2010/03/01/what-does-your-tax-money-actually-pay-for/ ??


does he get to randomly call 911 and have the cops patrol his driveway?? maybe have a firefighter camped out in his front yard?? free public college for his kids?? free trip to space?? absolutely no medical bills once he's on medicare?? the ability to swerve onto the other side of the orange barells to 'test out' the newly paved road before the $10k/year tax guy??


what gives the right for the gov't to tell someone they have to fill up a gym bag filled with $100's every year and just hand it over to uncle sam, while the guy next to him turns in a small stack of $100's, and the guy next to that pays absolutely nothing.


I agree. The system is fucked up. The wife and I work with our accounting firm and financial planner to do all that we can to insure we don't hit the next tax bracket up and shield everything we can. I'm not volunteering any more of our money to fund the bullshit that runs rampant in our society. I throw up in my mouth every time I look at how much we pay Uncle Sam. I'm sure you're in the same boat if not an even bigger boat.

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wow this is a serious #firstworldproblems thread.


Enjoy your lower taxes when police enforcement drops off in your neighborhood and the crackheads come in to steal your nice TV. Oh wait you mean you weren't able to afford a nice new TV this year because they made you pay more taxes awwwwwwww.



EDIT: Actually I agree with most things said in here, just not to the extreme degree

Edited by El Karacho
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Last year I had 5,300 in buisness related expenses phone, internet, etc. (while working for the Army) and because I made too much I am unable to write it off. Which doesnt sound right as I made 63,000 in the last nine months of the year while making that money. First part of the year I was taking home a modest salary of 50,000 per year, so roughly 73,000 for the year. I dont get it.
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The more you make, the more you shelter. Taxing the super rich will not pull us out of the problem, it will help a little, but not much. I pay $10,000/year in property taxes and am 25+ minutes from response of the police department, taxes don't ensure quick response. Fire is super close so they show up quickly. I should just call 911 and say I am choking, if I get robbed.
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I should just call 911 and say I am choking, if I get robbed.


Haha! I feel the same way. Although both respond pretty quick for us, but I've told my kids if they ever need to hit the panic button on the alarm, to hit both fire and police. Let there be a party of uniforms at the house should be get robbed. Someone is very likely going to have a bullet in them regardless so why not.

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Enjoy your lower taxes when police enforcement drops off in your neighborhood and the crackheads come in to steal your nice TV. Oh wait you mean you weren't able to afford a nice new TV this year because they made you pay more taxes awwwwwwww.


I don't for one minute think Coleman would have cut the police. That was just a cheap scare tactic. Who cares if he does; perhaps more people will go through CCW Classes, leave lights on at night and actually form a real block watch program.


The system is fucked up. They need to change the retirement plans for cops and teachers and other state workers that are what is bleeding us dry. Fuck their state tax money paid lifestyles and sweet ass retirements. It's a crock of shit the way it's run and it's time that train be derailed. One of my customers has a wife that worked in the Dublin School District for 30yrs. She put in a ton of overtime tutoring, etc...her last three years to jack up her W2. Her plan is basically that she gets 66% of her average of the top three years pay for the rest of her life. Bullshit. She's barely 55 and likely going to make all that money and benefits for nearly as long if not longer than she worked and contributed herself. They need to jack the working term to 40 years just to insure we don't go broke. Same for public service.


Pouring more water into a leaky bucket isn't a fix.

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