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China vs. USA


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It funny how everyone hate china but yet we can't stop buying their craps.


I'm very sure the US will win, but can we handle the subsequent outcome?


Mother Russia will swoop in and pwn us just like we should have done to them at the end of WW2. Then Patton will turn over in his grave twice.

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Not that we wouldn't likely win, but we don't need a war on that scale. Unifying a billion and a half people is a bad idea, so invasion would be a no no. With our military power, plus 200 million civilian firearms, invading here is also, a poor idea. That pretty much leaves just bombs and other WMDs. So cold war, old-time style. I don't hate China, I have a ton of relatives there. I do hate their pseudo-commie government, and so do a lot of the people.


I hate our government too right now though, so that may not mean much.

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Whoever has the market cornered on producing the most Jenkem.


1) When was the first time you ever tired Jenkem?


2) What's the most fucked-up/high you've been off of Jenkem?


3) What's your favorite Jenkem recipe?


4) Have you ever tried someone else's Jenkem or only your own?


5) Have you ever done Jenkem from a non-human animal?

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1) When was the first time you ever tired Jenkem?


2) What's the most fucked-up/high you've been off of Jenkem?


3) What's your favorite Jenkem recipe?


4) Have you ever tried someone else's Jenkem or only your own?


5) Have you ever done Jenkem from a non-human animal?


clearly hijacking my question format. ban

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clearly hijacking my question format. ban


1) When was the first time you ever tired Jenkem?


2) What's the most fucked-up/high you've been off of Jenkem?


3) What's your favorite Jenkem recipe?


4) Have you ever tried someone else's Jenkem or only your own?


5) Have you ever done Jenkem from a non-human animal?

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We may not have to worry about it. China, at it's present rate and path, will collapse on it's own. It also won't call in all we owe, or it makes those little pieces of paper they own worthless, too. They'll conitnue to play little games to keep us down and them up, but you're playing our game and you're going to lose.


However, in all actuality, the super rich will win; the rest will lose. No matter their nationality.

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1) When was the first time you ever tired Jenkem?


2) What's the most fucked-up/high you've been off of Jenkem?


3) What's your favorite Jenkem recipe?


4) Have you ever tried someone else's Jenkem or only your own?


5) Have you ever done Jenkem from a non-human animal?


1.) I would say when I was 15.


2.) Ive got one Im working on called "Buttbonic Plague" shit is intense


3.) Probably Ohio River Mudslide. I consider it "mids" but its a good, reliable high.


4.) We share waste frequently. No biggie, its all gas.


5.) Ive tried cow jenkem but its not as effective. Human has more flavor, better high.

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