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Pay for Play - OSU


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Does he go to practice daily? Does he have the starters beat on him like a punching bag? If so then he earned the jersey. How he got the opportunity is less then preferred but if he is doing what is needed to earn it now then I see no issue. Also Linn why do you post this, Isn't he a buddy of yours and Sam's?
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Does he go to practice daily? Does he have the starters beat on him like a punching bag? If so then he earned the jersey. How he got the opportunity is less then preferred but if he is doing what is needed to earn it now then I see no issue. Also Linn why do you post this, Isn't he a buddy of yours and Sam's?


You still have to make the team. I can't just go over there and get a Jersey because I let the defense run all over me all day.

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And no other school/team/professional entity has ever done anything of the sort before.


I don't see it as a big deal. In HS we had a kid who was terrible but played special teams because his parents paid for the player meals before and after the games as well as other equipment and so on. It happens everywhere and 1 roster spot for a kid who is decent enough for practice squad doesn't bother me. I would be pissed if it was something like a shitty starting QB's parents were giving millions to the coach's charity or whatever.

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if he's truly treated like every other walk-on, then i give him some props. i went to miami of ohio, just before big ben was there---we had a pretty good team. the guy i roomed with all 4 years was a walk-on place kicker there. some of the shit those walk-ons went through was incredible. most were 'wanna-be's--idiots who played a bit of high school football and thought they were the shit--they quit right away when they discovered what it meant to be a walk-on.


my roommate was used on a regular basis, as a tackling dummy. he had to run right at the linebacker (was not allowed to make any cuts/moves/etc--just run straight ahead). the drill was meant to teach tackling form. sometimes the linebacker would absolutely level the runner--and then apologize to the coach. i can remember my buddy getting hit so hard one time, it knocked his helmet over the front of his face and broke his nose. he stuck it out for 4 years---and got quite a bit of playing time his senior year. i saw what he went through every day and it was not fun or easy.

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I don't see it as a big deal. In HS we had a kid who was terrible but played special teams because his parents paid for the player meals before and after the games as well as other equipment and so on. It happens everywhere and 1 roster spot for a kid who is decent enough for practice squad doesn't bother me. I would be pissed if it was something like a shitty starting QB's parents were giving millions to the coach's charity or whatever.


This kinda.


It's true, I went to many different schools growing up. It was very prevalent, especially in the small schools. If your family was rich, and especially if they contributed to the school, then those kids got special treatment. Personally, being on the other side of that, its complete BS. Coming from a poor family, I had to work many times harder to earn my position and nothing pissed me off more than to have to compete for a position and/or the good equipment with someone who had half the skill I did.


Im not saying that's the case here and if he's only being used in practice and is actually busting his ass and being given no other special treatment, then more power to him. Gotta say though, that story makes it seem otherwise.

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For those of you that know Cavin, know that he is not the same kid he was a few years ago. Even if Cavin is just a tackling dumbing he is still at practice every day working towards getting some playing time.


Really!? If so thats awesome man I am happy for him....I havent seen him for years but when we all hung out he seemed very weak and uncoordinated but did have a big frame....goes to show what you can do when you work hard.

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For those of you that know Cavin, know that he is not the same kid he was a few years ago. Even if Cavin is just a tackling dumbing he is still at practice every day working towards getting some playing time.


But yet you make this thread as a cut on him. Such a dickhead

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