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why is hal banned?


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stop not letting me drive your car.. :D


lets make a bet, whoever makes the fastest pass in brians car out of the 3 of us, gets jacked off by the other two participants. we both know brian is jerking one of us off cause he will purposely run a 15:p

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Just unbanned Hal




Dumb move, rules are made to be broken. In case you forgot, I do not care when people say to be nice to someone simply because you cannot be mean in some section of the board (fucking gay half-enforced rule anyway).


I don't learn from punishment and I don't bend to people's will. Most polarizing person evar for a reason. Suck it, fairy mods and admins.:fuckyeah:

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Dumb move, rules are made to be broken. In case you forgot, I do not care when people say to be nice to someone simply because you cannot be mean in some section of the board (fucking gay half-enforced rule anyway).


I don't learn from punishment and I don't bend to people's will. Most polarizing person evar for a reason. Suck it, fairy mods and admins.:fuckyeah:


in after hal

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I think it was a culmination of posts in threads that came to a head in the "neighbors thread". Despite popular belief not every area is the kitchen(whatever its called now) and what goes on in here shouldnt carry over to threads were regular conversations tend to take place. Wether you like what the thread starter or others are discussing in the thread doesnt mean you can personally attack another cr member or keep doing it when your repeatedly asked not to. Hal knew where it was headed and even pointed it out to others in the chatbox. I dont believe he hurt anyones feelings but what options are you left with when your responsible for trying to ensure people enjoy cr and have a good experience yet someone makes it their personal goal for the night to piss someone off and insist on doing it after being asked not to.

Despite historical accuracy and statisticaly significance, apparently you cannot call someone out for being a dumb cunt if you are not posting in the proper area. New rule, probably not. Rule that's only enforced when someone's pussy is bleeding profusely, yes.


Not a single fuck was given when the ban was given. A confused look was given when I was told that I was unbanned.

Basically, if you are asked to stop doing something you should stop.

Fuck that. Ask me to stop doing something again, see what I do... Either ban me from threads, permaban me, or just realize that I continue on whatever path I'm on indefinitely. If someone's a big enough faggot that they deserve to be called out on it, I will gladly take a ban to rain on their fag parade.


Don't like it, see the above options. That being said, before saying all my posts are hateful please go ahead and look at the majority of my posts outside of the kitchen, romper room, whatever...

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Does polarizing and bi-polar mean the same thing.




bi·po·lar [bahy-poh-ler]


1. having two poles, as the earth.

2. of, pertaining to, or found at both polar regions.

3. characterized by opposite extremes, as two conflicting political philosophies.

4. Electronics . of or pertaining to a transistor that uses both positive and negative charge carriers.


po·lar·ize [poh-luh-rahyz] verb, -ized, -iz·ing.

verb (used with object)

1. to cause polarization in.

2. to divide into sharply opposing factions, political groups, etc.: The controversy has polarized voters into proabortion and antiabortion groups.

3. to give polarity to.

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Does this mean you are FINALLY coming out of the closet?








bi·po·lar [bahy-poh-ler]


1. having two poles, as the earth.

2. of, pertaining to, or found at both polar regions.

3. characterized by opposite extremes, as two conflicting political philosophies.

4. Electronics . of or pertaining to a transistor that uses both positive and negative charge carriers.


po·lar·ize [poh-luh-rahyz] verb, -ized, -iz·ing.

verb (used with object)

1. to cause polarization in.

2. to divide into sharply opposing factions, political groups, etc.: The controversy has polarized voters into proabortion and antiabortion groups.

3. to give polarity to.

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Does this mean you are FINALLY coming out of the closet?






Your post just messed me all up. I read your comment then saw your signature. Thinking the post was over I started trying to figure out who you were talking about... then BOOM, a quote from Hal and yet another signature.


Mind.... blown.

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