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Parking Lot Hit and Run - Alum Creek, Saturday 8/27


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My buddy was parking my truck and trailer after putting in on Saturday, and while pulling around the parking lot, some jack ass backed out of a spot and INTO the side of my trailer, smashing a fender and busting up a marker light.


Then, the POS floored it and took off! My buddy didn't get the plates and was forced to choose between racing after him with my truck and letting him go, and he chose not to pursue.


All I can say is, that scum back is f'in lucky it wasnt me in that truck!


In the one in a million chance anyone saw anything, please pm me


Grow up people....This ass should hang his head in shame and be shipped to some communist country if he / she can't understand the concept of damaging someone elses personal property...

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It's probably in the damage amount that "you get f'd," ie, not worth claiming. So I either shell out I dunno, $500 or so to have it fixed like new or beat it back with a hammer and pry bar into the "good enough" zone and have it be left as permanent damage to the set up.
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Roughly 2 PM at the very southeast ramp near the Mt Bike Trails. South of 36/37, I always forget the name of the ramp.


My vehicle is a tan 2008 4Runner. I'm trying to remember the details my buddy said this looked like a small fishing boat, either the trailer or the boat were white.... I would imagine that would be enough for anyone who saw / heard it to know this is the guy, but if not let me know and I'll call my buddy again. He said he couldn't see the tow vehicle, which is shitty luck.


Thanks for the post on OGF...

Edited by Bahnstoermer
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Good point on "camera's are everywhere," too... it is worth checking on. Emailed my buddy to get as best a description as I can on the trailer that assulated him and will call the State Park to make sure. I suppose if nothing else with a decent description I may at least be able to file a police report... not sure if he'll be able to describe it will enough or not, he's not a boat guy...
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Might also be worth handing out fliers when there next time or over the course of the next couple weeks. No doubt it's not their first visit there and I'm sure others will recognize the vehicle and damage, etc....


The best thing going for you is that he will likely be back. Not guaranteed but it is likely.

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Sorry, I gotta play Devil's advocate here. Is it at all possible your buddy's responsible and he's making this story up? I had to ask since nobody else had mentioned it.


Otherwise, that f'n sucks and I hope you luck out and figure it out. I've had my shit hit in the parking lot with no note or anything before, but the balls to run right in front of the person you just hit; crazy assholes. :mad:

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Sorry, I gotta play Devil's advocate here. Is it at all possible your buddy's responsible and he's making this story up? I had to ask since nobody else had mentioned it.



I was going to but decided to let it go.

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Beat me to it. But for the damage you are describing...bros before...uh...trailers I guess. :dumb:


Sorry, I gotta play Devil's advocate here. Is it at all possible your buddy's responsible and he's making this story up? I had to ask since nobody else had mentioned it.


Otherwise, that f'n sucks and I hope you luck out and figure it out. I've had my shit hit in the parking lot with no note or anything before, but the balls to run right in front of the person you just hit; crazy assholes. :mad:

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