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Getting a stale/sour smell out of the air system

V8 Beast

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Ive tried just about everything but the smell keeps coming back. Fabreeze, anti-bacterial spray, running the vent for an hour straight while spraying it and alternating from circulating air to pulling from the outside. Spraying the mess out of it then driving around for 30 minutes trying to air it out. The smell keeps coming back. Ive been working on it off and on for 3 months and it comes back every time. Any other tricks/products I can try to get this smell out of without replacing the air vents?
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We had the same issue in a past vehicle, the pan drain the condenser(I believe) sat on/in got filled with debris causing mildew around it. Check to see if the drain is clear.

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I've got some "samples" of a foaming evaporator cleaner/disinfectant that we used to carry at Four Seasons - if you're interested PM me and you can have a can or two to try.

This. I actually have a can of shit just for this purpose, too. I've never had to use it. My neighbor gave it to me awhile back.

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