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Man Sues White Castle over seats being too small for fat people


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""I just want to sit down like a normal person," said Kessman, who is suing for bigger chairs and unspecified damages. He's filed a lawsuit saying the chain's uncomfortable booths violate the civil rights of all fat people."


Then stop being fucking fat. How is this anyone else's fault? Fat-sized booths are part of Civil Rights?




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Sit in the regular chairs then? :confused:


Not that I agree with the lawsuit but read the article.


It all started back in April 2009, when Kessman told the New York Post he got an unpleasant surprise with his No. 2 combo meal. "They're stationary booths," he told The Post. "I'm not humongous, [but] I'm a big guy. I could not wedge myself in."


Humiliated and in pain from hitting his knee on the edge of the table, Kessman says he limped out of the restaurant and complained to headquarters.


"As I looked around the restaurant, I saw that there were no tables and chairs that could accommodate a person that merely wanted to sit down and eat his meal," Kessman wrote.

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Awhile ago there was a guy in a wheel chair who sued Chipotle to lower their counters so he could see over them. Last I heard he won the case, but around here they all seem to be the same height? Anyways that kind of different, but this guy need to go suckstart a shotgun.
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i'm going to wait until they change the booth size then i'll sue that they are too big for skinny people.


There is nothing worse than having to lean forward and fully extend your arm just to reach your food. And why is he slouching like that? Sit upright like you have a pair and your stomach kinda shifts back into normal position.

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much hypocrite in this thread.. not that i agree but look at it this way its a fast food joint and not even in any way a healthy one, so HAVE SOME SEATS FOR FAT PEOPLE.


its obvious they dont want to lose the "FAT" demographic so why make them feel uncomfortable.


And how in the hell does him having a pair or not have anything to do with how he sits? you people and your assumtions are re dick you lus. if you dont like looking at fat people or hearing about it then dont go out side or turn on the TV as America is fat and so will most of you later in life so I cant wait till you are the object of discrimination, of any sort.



now why do I want a rice krispy treat?

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I dont weigh no where near as much as him and could slouch enough to make my belly hit the table, its obvious he's doing it for the picture. What kind of man shy of having a health related cause sits like that? Are you suggesting that they should set aside tables that are clearly for larger people? If so why not some for smaller people, and then some for kids? Most already have ADA compliant tables which allow for chairs to be moved so a wheelchair can access them. What makes more sense is to take the average size of a person and produce seating areas which best meets this size(which it appears they have done). They can never make every customer happy so they play the average. The second the average size of its customer changes so to will their seats. Theres only so much room in one of those places.


Where is the hipocracy in this thread?

Edited by wnaplay
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I'm 6'3" 280 and if there's somewhere I can't sit, I walk somewhere else. Sounds to me this guy isn't upset about his civil rights being violated, he just doesn't ever want to have to walk anywhere other than the nearest seat. I say this based on the fact that he A) is so bothered by small seats that he has forgotten the step where he walks somewhere to look for a bigger seat and B) sent his wife to get his burgers for him because the place that has his burgers has no nearby fat seats.


What part about that says we should pander to his demands?

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much hypocrite in this thread.. not that i agree but look at it this way its a fast food joint and not even in any way a healthy one, so HAVE SOME SEATS FOR FAT PEOPLE.


its obvious they dont want to lose the "FAT" demographic so why make them feel uncomfortable.


And how in the hell does him having a pair or not have anything to do with how he sits? you people and your assumtions are re dick you lus. if you dont like looking at fat people or hearing about it then dont go out side or turn on the TV as America is fat and so will most of you later in life so I cant wait till you are the object of discrimination, of any sort.




now why do I want a rice krispy treat?


Aren't you super fat? I bet you wish youd thought of this ingenious scam.


I dont want to sit at a table big enough to park a god damn big rig in. If this chode wins this lawsuit I'm going to puke. America is turning into a country that caters to the weak and feeds the fucking fatties. They shouldn't have to make one god damn change to the size of the already enormous seat. This is the same cockfuck that my taxes will go to when obama care hits because all those god damn sliders are gonna turn his fat fucking heart in a lump of fucking concrete. This shit drives me absolutely fucking insane.

  • Confused 1
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Point I was making is this is just another dumb-shit screaming "look at me and how I was so wronged. Where's my compensation?" People like that, fat or skinny, are alot of what I think is wrong with us. I'm not skinny and I was pretty fat back in the day. It has never even gotten in my head that the world should be making adjustments to accommodate me. If I'm not comfortable somewhere I stop going there; not sue them.


It's clear to me the guy is playing it for all it's worth. Especially some of the comments he's making - trying to make it sound like he's so deeply offended and they have violated his civil rights. That's some whiny shit.

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i'm going to wait until they change the booth size then i'll sue that they are too big for skinny people.

Do it, class action :dumb:


There is nothing worse than having to lean forward and fully extend your arm just to reach your food. And why is he slouching like that? Sit upright like you have a pair and your stomach kinda shifts back into normal position.

Youre right, that dude is majorly slouching in his chair, probably so he can cram every morsel of food down.


much hypocrite in this thread.. not that i agree but look at it this way its a fast food joint and not even in any way a healthy one, so HAVE SOME SEATS FOR FAT PEOPLE.


its obvious they dont want to lose the "FAT" demographic so why make them feel uncomfortable.


And how in the hell does him having a pair or not have anything to do with how he sits? you people and your assumtions are re dick you lus. if you dont like looking at fat people or hearing about it then dont go out side or turn on the TV as America is fat and so will most of you later in life so I cant wait till you are the object of discrimination, of any sort.



now why do I want a rice krispy treat?


Fat person detected.

To save america we first need to purge people such as this.

looks like myself and everyone in my family is safe.




This would be the equivalent of a midget suing auto manufactures because they cant reach the pedal and them changing every automobile to accommodate midgets. Actually its not like that because midgets are born that way.

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Maybe if he sat like a normal person he wouldn't have any problems. White Castle isn't your living room, and that's not your couch fatty. Sadly, by umurkan standards, he's not even that fat.



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Maybe if he sat like a normal person he wouldn't have any problems. White Castle isn't your living room, and that's not your couch fatty. Sadly, by umurkan standards, he's not even that fat.




He probably has to slouch for maximum grease-funnelling efficiency. Its his civil right to not chew and instead just swallow his sliders whole, and he needs a wider booth to do that.

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