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Carrying concerns


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haha, a guy i work with has gotten caught not once but twice in between the double doors where he banks. He just forgets he has it on him.



At Huntington? What I don't get is that Huntington has a pro carry policy. Only certain branches have those metal detectors

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Maybe a couple times a year. I also usually carried a knife with me where I couldn't carry a gun, so I would have some form of protection. Funny thing about concealed knives though, I talked to a Mifflin Cop and two CPD officers and neither of them knew the official laws pertaining to carrying a knife.



I'd be careful with this. When I lived in Boston I usually had 2-3 knives on me at any given time. I'd been attacked or threatened with knives, bricks, mace, batons, etc and knives with blades under 4" (i think that was the limit) were the only legal form of protection that didn't require a license (yes, even mace requiers a permit...its freakin MA).


When I moved back to Ohio I did a bit of research on knife carry and found a VERY vague code. What I gleaned from it was that knife carry in Ohio is permitted only if it is not to be used as a deadly weapon. Also illegal are switchblades, butterfly knives, and springblades. So if you are concealing a knife, it is considered a utility knife and that is legal. The minute you use it, even in self defense, against another person, you are considered to have been in unlawful possession of a concealed deadly weapon.

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I honestly think that if most places allowed you to conceal on the premises it would cut down on violence. If everyone including criminals knew that it is possible everyone had a gun I bet they wouldn't pull theirs out while in the building. Now the parking lot or walking down the street would be different but you can't do much about that. Open carry would even be better of an option.
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I honestly think that if most places allowed you to conceal on the premises it would cut down on violence. If everyone including criminals knew that it is possible everyone had a gun I bet they wouldn't pull theirs out while in the building. Now the parking lot or walking down the street would be different but you can't do much about that. Open carry would even be better of an option.


Its easier for a criminal to A) single you out because he knows you have a gun, and B) take it from you.


IMO Open carry is a two edged sword and should be left to the old west and cops.

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Its easier for a criminal to A) single you out because he knows you have a gun, and B) take it from you.


IMO Open carry is a two edged sword and should be left to the old west and cops.


Many people you can tell just by watching them if they're the type to carry or not, but in a rapid action being the only one with a weapon visible would certainly make you a target. That being said, no criminal wants to walk into a bank, demand cash and everyone's stuff, and have 5 pistols pulled on him.

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Many people you can tell just by watching them if they're the type to carry or not, but in a rapid action being the only one with a weapon visible would certainly make you a target. That being said, no criminal wants to walk into a bank, demand cash and everyone's stuff, and have 5 pistols pulled on him.

That's the main reason I think posted (no-carry) banks are missing the point. If the criminals are smart (okay, they likely aren't) they'll go for the ones where no one's allowed to carry. Less risk.

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I carry everywhere that I go with the exception of drinking establishments. My firearm is concealed and no one can see it. No one realizes I have a firearm in an environment where I'm allowed to carry and no one obtains x-ray vision for my firearm if there's a sign that says I can't carry.


I think the only place I've been to with a no carry sign is the Shell or whatever gas station it is on Polaris Pkwy by Quaker Steak.


I don't make my way into gov buildings at all but that's an obvious no no and not a trip I take on a whim.


If you look at a state like Texas, I'd say that the high percentage of gun ownership and people carrying is a big deterrent in criminal acts, or ones that would make you feel you needed to use a firearm to protect yourself.

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I carry everywhere that I go with the exception of drinking establishments. My firearm is concealed and no one can see it. No one realizes I have a firearm in an environment where I'm allowed to carry and no one obtains x-ray vision for my firearm if there's a sign that says I can't carry.


I think the only place I've been to with a no carry sign is the Shell or whatever gas station it is on Polaris Pkwy by Quaker Steak.


I don't make my way into gov buildings at all but that's an obvious no no and not a trip I take on a whim.


If you look at a state like Texas, I'd say that the high percentage of gun ownership and people carrying is a big deterrent in criminal acts, or ones that would make you feel you needed to use a firearm to protect yourself.


TX loves their guns...thats for sure, but surprisingly, open carry is ILLEGAL here. No matter to me, I don't want anyone knowing I am carrying anyway.

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This is not legal advice nor am I saying I personally ignore said signs, or other CPZs. Just an opinion.


Outside of the federal CPZs, or other special CPZs like restaurants that serve/bars (till the 30th anyway :) ) it is my understanding if you are caught with your firearm it is a civil matter. My question is if you are concealed carrying, and you're careful, and aware of your surroundings, how would you get caught? Even so, I advise one obey the law to the best of their ability, balancing their care of personal self-defense, with their right to choose the places they do business with.


Also never talk about guns at work. Ever. Unless your work is stated firearms friendly.


If you are caught carrying in a CPZ the first words out of your mouth should be "I did not see a sign I am sorry." At that point they should ask you to leave and you should comply. This is true if it is an officer or an employee. If they detain you until police arrive I am sure you could throw a stink about unlawful detainment. IF you refuse to leave, you are then guilty of trespass. At that point things start to get a little more serious. I prefer to know ways in and out of businesses that don't properly display their signs. Did you know Tuttle Mall is a CPZ? Enter through any of the box stores and there are no signs. If you want to use the mall entrances approach from the sides and use the manual doors. The signs are only posted on the automatic doors. Did you know Jared the Galeria of Jewelry is a CPZ? Use the one near Tuttle Mall. They placed the sign low (below waist height) and the cigarette trays/trash cans are directly in front of them. It is all about plausible deniability.

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I know of a few other establishments with no guns signs on 2 of their 4 entrances. Guess which ones I go through. I won't disclose those places on a public forum though as some may argue that because I have seen those signs at the other entrances, I know the policy for the establishment and therefore and breaking the law. eff all that. If I still lived in oh I would just keep going in the doors I usually do because I see no signs...
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LOL at this thread.


If i owned an establishment i wouldnt allow it. Just because the state says you are allowed to conceal carry doesent mean i believe them. I cant tell you how many times ive been at the pistol range and seen some people in conceal carry classes; scary unprofessional and not anyone i would want to have a gun based on watching them shoot for 2hrs.


The only one in my place of business with a gat is me.


I'm not necessarily against conceal carry but in the current form i am. Needs more training, range time, etc.


Ohio requires the most training time out of any state in the country


Think about that for a while

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LOL at this thread.


If i owned an establishment i wouldnt allow it. Just because the state says you are allowed to conceal carry doesent mean i believe them. I cant tell you how many times ive been at the pistol range and seen some people in conceal carry classes; scary unprofessional and not anyone i would want to have a gun based on watching them shoot for 2hrs.


The only one in my place of business with a gat is me.

I'm not necessarily against conceal carry but in the current form i am. Needs more training, range time, etc.


You honestly belive that will do anything to help you? I would bet you $50 that the guy who would rob you at gunpoint is not going to look at your CPZ sign and go "damn now i gotta go rob somebody else!" your only hope is that there is only one chickenshit robber that comes in and you get the drop on him. The hardcore guy that comes in guns blazin will kill you before you get your gun out and the crew that comes in my leave with fewer guys that came in but that is less ways to split the cash and one less mouth to snitch on the murder robbery that just took place. No matter how crappy you feel about the people at the range that is one more armed ally in the event that the shit hits the fan. It also is not just that you might get lucky and have an armed ally. If guns are legalized outright they are more common and that is one more theft deterrent. more guns more likely that you will have someone try to defend themselves less likely a crime of chance will take place. Those signs are called CPZ for a reason. The only person they help is a crimnal.

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You honestly belive that will do anything to help you? I would bet you $50 that the guy who would rob you at gunpoint is not going to look at your CPZ sign and go "damn now i gotta go rob somebody else!" your only hope is that there is only one chickenshit robber that comes in and you get the drop on him. The hardcore guy that comes in guns blazin will kill you before you get your gun out and the crew that comes in my leave with fewer guys that came in but that is less ways to split the cash and one less mouth to snitch on the murder robbery that just took place. No matter how crappy you feel about the people at the range that is one more armed ally in the event that the shit hits the fan. It also is not just that you might get lucky and have an armed ally. If guns are legalized outright they are more common and that is one more theft deterrent. more guns more likely that you will have someone try to defend themselves less likely a crime of chance will take place. Those signs are called CPZ for a reason. The only person they help is a crimnal.


I don't buy it. Don't believe me, just watch the news. The rats in the hood rob the local joints at gun point and kill themselves every day. They don't give a shit that the owners of the store or the guy they are going after is armed. They don't fear that. If they are there armed and willing to shoot, they are going to do it regardless. How many times do we see it here in cbus. Every single day.


That Billy Bad Ass who comes into a bank or store to rob the place is not at all thinking about a patron having a gun. They don't care. 9/10 times they are likely crack heads high on dope.


I'm not saying a gun isn't going to help you as the owner mind you. But I am saying that by NOT displaying a sign that says "no guns allowed" that's not going to ward off Bill Bad Ass vs the place who doesn't display one. They are going for a crime of opportunity. They see you a store owner alone you're fair game and likely a target. Add 1-2-3 patrons, armed or not, they aren't as likely going to rob you. Unless they are really driven. Crime of opportunity man. It's rare that they are going to walk in with a willingness to kill everyone. If they have that will, you can all be open carrying, and that's won't likely stop them either.


If you walk around thinking just because you're armed that you're not a target you're being over confident. It will certainly count towards saving you, but people rob and confront victims with guns all the time. Again, watch the news and focus on what happens in the ghetto here in Cbus. Bullets flying doesn't scare them.


Just the same if you have a sign that says no guns allowed, doesn't mean the owners are unarmed. My wife is a classic example. No guns allowed in her office, but she has a CCW and is a crack shot with zero fear of using it. She wouldn't be a target because of a sign. She'd be a target, armed or not, because she's a woman and alone at night. She avoids situations that yield her being a target. Her gun is just there to give her a chance vs the woman without one.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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She'd be a target, armed or not, because she's a woman and alone at night. She avoids situations that yield her being a target.



This is very important. Try not to be a target in the first place and the rest takes care of itself most of the time. The rest of the time just be armed and aware.

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