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Great Carpet Install by Truckin


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Today Truckin (Justin Barr) did a carpet installation at my office/new clubhouse. It looks great. He was very professional, did what he promised when he promised. Utterly dependable in every way, and he beat every other vendor's price for the job.


I highly recommend him.


Barr's Carpet Service




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My parents are getting all new carpet in thier house. I'm pretty sure its a lot of carpet. I'll give them his number. I pulled all the carpet, just needs put in. Maybe he can do a better job for a better price. If you think highly of his work, I take that seriously. Thanks for the post.
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I hadn't realized he was the contractor who was involved in that, and am surprised ...... there may be more to the story, I don't know. I also know Jake and know that he's easy to work with and not unreasonable in his expectations. I hope that mess got resolved to the satisfaction of all parties.


All I can say is that Justin did first class work for me and bid it well-below everyone else. I was very satisfied.

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Did he source the carpet and pad for you too? How were the costs on the materials?


He sent me to a few carpet suppliers who work with him, trying to save me money on the materials. However, after looking at a lot of products, I was pretty set on the brand and style I had picked out on my own at a retail store. However, Justin bought it lower than I could and passed the savings on.

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If he pops his head in here, was there ever any resolution to this?



That it did not, Ive been doing some traveling for work and havent had much time to get together with anyone.


i just stay outta that bathroom. makes me mad every time i go in.


Im sure his Carpet Skills are better since he has been doing that a long time.


Oh and DOC :yuno:have a bike for me :no: lol :fa:


Glad to hear your situation turned out well.

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