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Good parenting or child abuse...?


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I had my ass beat with belts and wooden paddles when I was a kid. It was an omnipresent reminder to do what my parents asked of me. I may not agree with everything he did including taping it, but if it helps the kid walk the straight and narrow and grow up to be a productive member of society, so be it.
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I spank my kids. The threat of the spanking cures 99% of the issues. I don't have any issue with a single, "explained" spank as correction. I guess I took the whole video into consideration.


"Don't you like coming over to play video game with me???"


I think we just found the root cause of the fathering issue.

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The belt is a bit much, your point could be made with 1-2 spanks. The cursing and over the top theatrics are most likely going to result in the same type of kid produced as if you did nothing at all. Consistancy with your discipline and educating the kid why certain behavior is wrong or wont be tolerated is 99% of all it takes. I was whipped like that(not as severe) and it really screws a kids head up. I have never seen a parent do that sort of thing strictly out of love or the hope that it will make the kid a better one, there is always some sort of underlying aggression to show that kind of force and thats not to say he doesnt love his kid. Its sad he feels thats the proper way to handle the situation. Perhaps there will be a time that attitude is needed to change the kids life around but just getting in trouble at a school........... Is the kids dad involved? Sounds like the grandma was the one sending him to school, but at least the dad shows up for disciplining time.
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Reason I asked if it was good parenting or child abuse is because that video is catching a lot of heat, people are calling for the child to be taken away ect


I am with WNAPLAY with the underlying issue. I would venture to say the dad is trying to show some sort of male dominance more then showing his son right from wrong. Rather then beating the kid with a belt, taping it and then shaving his head, I would take away his video games and make sure the kid had very little social life outside of school for quite a while. Beating a kid with a belt does nothing but fuel the fire inside of said kid, ask me how I know....

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I got spanked and punched in the chest lol. Yeah my mom didnt play. Im happy she did everything she did. Im sure if she wouldnt, i'd prob be one of them damn kids on the news doing all types of crqazy shit. I hated it as a kid but other than that im happy wityh the end result.


I dont agree with video taping it. I laughed at the hair cut tho haha

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The cussing is uncalled for.


The belt is uncalled for.


Video taping it is uncalled for.


Having his kid taken away would be uncalled for too.


A few spanks and a stern voice should do the trick.


The whole "I got hit with spoons, belts, wrenches, dicks, etc." argument is archaic and those above sound dumb for using it.


Just my opinion. Go on beating your kids with spoons assholes.

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Bet in 10 years the kid is a pro athlete

lol'd, but its probably true

I agree with most of it. I didn't think the cursing was appropriate or helpful. The important thing is whether or not this father is being consistent with the child.


I dont think that kid even likes him. he was treated like dirt.

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taping it was a too much but as a kid i had both types of punishments (getting whipped and having item/social life taking away). I can honestly say that getting whipped put more fear into me than getting stuff taken away. I can guarantee that the little kid didnt do it again
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Everyone is getting to soft today. I got spanked and hit with belts as a kid (Only on the ass though, no face/chest with a belt) , and i believe im a fine person. Yeah i have a short ass temper (Could be related to that) but discipline is discipline.


Time outs and shit like that dont work. I sure as hell know if i did something wrong and got spanked for it i knew not to do it again. If i was told to stand in the corner for 15 minutes i felt like i could get away with it again due to not recieving the physical discipline.

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i got beat as kid......for being a bad boy a


i don t think the beating is over the top...it builds character...the taping is the jacked up part


the shaving of the hair confuses me


Watch Maury or Rikki Lake and see how many of the kids who act up wear nice clothes and have a lot of confidence while the parent cowers and cries. If you have a problem child, a real problem child (I don't know if this kid fits the bill), then you can take away his self confidence by doing this, or making him wear embarrassing clothes. IMO, a last resort.


All of the guys stating their comments as facts...


please post up how many kids you're currently raising.




3 kids, no real problems that weren't immediately taken care of.

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