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The only way to quit is willpower.. some faggy little lightbulb stick won't help you at all, I tried. Whatever they put in those things makes your throat all scratchy and shit and you just want the real thing right afterwards. Worthless. I woke up one morning and just said fuck it I'm not smoking anymore, and made cigarettes my bitch. I haven't had one since January and it doesn't bug me one bit.
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The only way to quit is willpower.. some faggy little lightbulb stick won't help you at all, I tried. Whatever they put in those things makes your throat all scratchy and shit and you just want the real thing right afterwards. Worthless. I woke up one morning and just said fuck it I'm not smoking anymore, and made cigarettes my bitch. I haven't had one since January and it doesn't bug me one bit.


I agree 110% on the willpower bit. I guess I was almost trying to find a way to still smoke, but in a healthier way I guess. I know I can stop, but I know I don't want to quite yet. I figured the E-cigarette would help ween me off real cigarettes.

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I agree 110% on the willpower bit. I guess I was almost trying to find a way to still smoke, but in a healthier way I guess. I know I can stop, but I know I don't want to quite yet. I figured the E-cigarette would help ween me off real cigarettes.


Why not cut back to weekend? I view tobacco use like an other bad thing;its ok to have one every once in a while but not every day. Make it more of a special occasion instead of a routine

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I agree 110% on the willpower bit. I guess I was almost trying to find a way to still smoke, but in a healthier way I guess. I know I can stop, but I know I don't want to quite yet. I figured the E-cigarette would help ween me off real cigarettes.


they don't help shit, they collect dust on the coffee table after one week and whatever the fuck is in those things made me feel worse than real cigs. I'm sure some hippy will come swing his dick around this thread about them being his savior for quitting but I'm a realist and they're a head-game gimmick that just plain doesn't work. The only way to quit is to just fucking quit. Wake up one morning and just don't smoke. You'll feel like smoking, but don't do it. It really is that easy.. just don't smoke.

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The only way to quit is willpower.. some faggy little lightbulb stick won't help you at all, I tried. Whatever they put in those things makes your throat all scratchy and shit and you just want the real thing right afterwards. Worthless. I woke up one morning and just said fuck it I'm not smoking anymore, and made cigarettes my bitch. I haven't had one since January and it doesn't bug me one bit.


+1...i know its not smoking, but i was a nail biter for 20+ years.. couple months ago i told my self "enough"...ive done it maybe <5x in 2 months...its tough as shit to stop a habit, but i told myself i would, and trying my hardest to keep to it

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+1...i know its not smoking, but i was a nail biter for 20+ years.. couple months ago i told my self "enough"...ive done it maybe <5x in 2 months...its tough as shit to stop a habit, but i told myself i would, and trying my hardest to keep to it




@op I was up to over 2 packs a day when I finally quit smoking, none of the bullshit and gimmicks work. Think of it the same way as an alcoholic trying to get sober, and count the days you can go without a cigarette. That's how I quit.

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this is the reason ive never EVER smoked a cigarette in my life. Now is not the time to start, either.



a friend of mine uses the e-cig. it didnt help him, it only ended up giving him the ability to smoke inside places. dont waste your money. buy gum, or toothpicks instead.

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@op I was up to over 2 packs a day when I finally quit smoking, none of the bullshit and gimmicks work. Think of it the same way as an alcoholic trying to get sober, and count the days you can go without a cigarette. That's how I quit.


From the pics I have seen of you you should start smoking again and put down the meth or crack pipe or whatever it is you dope fiends do these days.

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I used to use totally wicked e-liquid...think it was the "Toronado" version. It was alright, but I needed the 30mg stuff to actually give me enough kick to stop smoking. It'll give you a nice headrush with that concentration. After about a month I was coughing up the leftover crap from cigarettes in my lungs. You still get harassed about "smoking in nonpermitted areas", though, so I just started dipping snus.


If you are going to do it, just make sure the liquid doesn't use diethylene glycol(automotive antifreeze) as a vaporizing agent, make sure it's polyethylene glycol(that's the stuff used in asthma inhalers). It's a bit safer.

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