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Eggs, steel wool, and scotch brite


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Three items the piece of shit neighborhood kids like to use on my cars. In less then two months, three cars at my house have been hit. It started with my dads Focus, which was no big deal and its been sitting at my place ever since he moved to Kentucky. Then my Saturn got hit, which pissed me off, but I cleaned it off and couldn't tell where it was scratched. Just last night, the one night I felt fine about car being outside, they hit my Cruze. They got it good with egg, and then I found steel wool on the windshield covered in mud. I can't see if there has been damage from the steel wool yet since its dark, but there is a mud smear on the hood. Since I didn't have time before work, I get to leave early from work to file a police report in case more damage is found. I brushed off the other two cars, but they have gone too far now. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but the fact it has happened three times, it isn't going to stop.


These kids parents could care less what they do. Wonder if they would care when I catch them and send them bills for professional detailing after what they do. So I think its time for security cameras.

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I would put your cars up for a couple weeks, then when you have the free time just park a car outside and hide where you can see them, then if they look well enough over 18 open up a can of whoop-ass then call them an ambulance, I mean who's gonna think you did it then? And if they try to say you did it, well they must have been beaten so badly that they didn't recognize the guy just tryin to help them lol.
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there's many ways to fix this.

1. ass whoopin.

2. follow the fuckers home, wake their parents, bring them back to the scene, get paid.

3. paintball gun.

4. egg the little bastards

5. teargas (stun grenades work as well)

6. security cameras

7. bitch about it on cr, and do nothing about it.

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Well, I am going to do what I can. The police, and myself, think it is my next door neighbors but can't catch them in the act. They seem to know exactly when I sleep. So all I have right now is heavy police patrol around the house, cause they want to catch the bastards too. I hopefully will have a couple flood lights installed today. From there, I am trying to figure what else I could do. I want security cameras so I could catch them, but don't have the money for the DVR set up and all the cameras to catch around entire garage. Maybe link loud ass alarm to flood light on side of garage where car was parked, and be on a switch to turn off.



So far, I can see some scratches where one of the mud smears was. Not bad, almost like they were afraid to scratch paint but still tried. And by the time I got to the police department, after leaving work, I had a line of fried egg across the hood and poached eggs on roof all the way to trunk. Most came off since all the rain, but I hit the car wash to clean it up. I am hoping there is no real damage. AND........


1. they are underage, so my ass would be getting whopped by cops

2. their parents could care less, nor have money to fix damages that result to cost of rubbing compound

3. fun watching the pussies cry, but criminal offense

4. I like to eat my eggs

5. thought of planting super stink bomb all over their yard (ones that smell like raw sewage and can potentially harm people)

6. possibly happening, but definitely getting flood lights

7. already bitched, and already started doing shit

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i vote for paying them a visit, and asking them if they've had their cars vandalized too (play dumb). let them know you'll be on the lookout and offer to keep an eye on their place as well. tell them you plan on having a gun ready to blast on any idiot dumb enough to vandalize your place or any of your neighbor's homes/cars/etc. most people like this are utter cowards, and will stop.


just a thought

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I haven't done shit to anyone. I only think its neighbors kids. And asking them if their car has been hit isn't possible. They dont have a car. The only reason why I am getting this, and well old guy next to me, is because we have newer cars and/or cars they want. Their parents don't work, so they have no respect for anything since they can't get anything.


I would have confronted the person(s) but it isn't possible either. Only have speculation of who it might be. If i knew/saw who did it, I would have confronted them. At this point, I am trying to catch them in the act. I'm not sitting bitching online not doing anything like several people do. I'm trying to get a camera set up now since I tend to be sleeping when they do this.


I'm doing shit, because I want these damn kids off my lawn! And the idea of hunting camera is quite clever. Hmmm, more options. Can't wait to get these bastards!

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I haven't done shit to anyone. I only think its neighbors kids. And asking them if their car has been hit isn't possible. They dont have a car. The only reason why I am getting this, and well old guy next to me, is because we have newer cars and/or cars they want. Their parents don't work, so they have no respect for anything since they can't get anything.


I would have confronted the person(s) but it isn't possible either. Only have speculation of who it might be. If i knew/saw who did it, I would have confronted them. At this point, I am trying to catch them in the act. I'm not sitting bitching online not doing anything like several people do. I'm trying to get a camera set up now since I tend to be sleeping when they do this.


I'm doing shit, because I want these damn kids off my lawn! And the idea of hunting camera is quite clever. Hmmm, more options. Can't wait to get these bastards!


everything about this post is fucking :dumb:


I highly doubt they are targeting you because they want your POS cars...Stop bitching online and go fucking do something about it.

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