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Question for folks in the medical field


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You don't understand what he said. 92% of the REACTIONS were minor. .05% of the people who had the vaccine experienced a reaction. That would be 154,000 people if the whole population took it. Of that, 141,680 would experience nothing more than an annoying side effect. 550 people, or .00018% would die from it.


92% were minor


8% were serious.


This is out of 35 million doses.


As of June 22, 2011, approximately 35 million doses of Gardasil® were distributed in the U.S. and VAERS received a total of 18,727 reports of adverse events following Gardasil® vaccination: 17,958 reports among females and 346 reports for males, of which 285 reports were received after the vaccine was licensed for males in October 2009. VAERS received 423 reports of unknown gender. Of the total number of VAERS reports following Gardasil®, 92% were considered to be non-serious, and 8% were considered serious.


So if you gave everyone in the US the shot, 24 Million people will have a serious reaction. 8% of the population would have a serious reaction.

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I understand math. Explain if you feel I don't. You can respond with more than one line.


18,000 TOTAL reactions out of 35,000,000 is .05%


8% of 18,000 is 1440 or .004%


If the vaccine was given to the whole population

12,320 would have serious reaction.



If you don't get it this time, I can't help you

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18,000 TOTAL reactions out of 35,000,000 is .05%


8% of 18,000 is 1440 or .004%


If the vaccine was given to the whole population

12,320 would have serious reaction.



If you don't get it this time, I can't help you


I see what you are saying now.

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I see what you are saying now.


And what happens is, that is statistically insignificant. Meaning that a lot of the reactions are caused by something other than just the vaccine. Allergies, nurses being rough, anxiety, etc.

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And what happens is, that is statistically insignificant. Meaning that a lot of the reactions are caused by something other than just the vaccine. Allergies, nurses being rough, anxiety, etc.


Very well could be.


So the common thought being the additives we put in our food, products, water, etc.... along with longer lifespan causes us to have higher cancer rates than country's who lack these things?

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Very well could be.


So the common thought being the additives we put in our food, products, water, etc.... along with longer lifespan causes us to have higher cancer rates than country's who lack these things?


It's not really the additives, it's the amount of fat in our diets along with the amount of other shit we eat.

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And what happens is, that is statistically insignificant. Meaning that a lot of the reactions are caused by something other than just the vaccine. Allergies, nurses being rough, anxiety, etc.


Looks like I missed the math party, but yeah, my point was that you have 35 million doses, 18,000 "reactions" (ooh, big scary number), but 92% of those reactions are standard for human beings getting, say, a saline shot (even says it in the link.) You have a vanishingly small number of "other" reactions, and an even smaller number of those were "serious." And even then the CDC page makes no effort to say what the cause of those reactions was. If someone gets the vaccine and then gets a cold the next day, it gets written down as a reaction. The next step is to determine if they have more adverse affects than the unvaccinated control group, whatever that may be. And in this case, it looks like the vaccine is perfectly safe.


Furthermore, 68 people dying following 35 million of anything is, in all likelihood, statistically insignificant. I'm guessing more people died after watching the first episode of Ashton Kutcher's Two and a Half Man, probably several orders of magnitude more since old people like to watch that show. What matters is if the vaccine can be shown to have caused those deaths, which it wasn't.

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If you look at it like that, then Heart Disease, such a vague phrase, is the real issue. Why are our hearts failing at such an alarming rate?


just a quick question or two::


when you fly on a plane, do you barge into the cockpit and ask the pilot what altitude he's going to fly at?? what course/heading?? do you demand to know how many hours of experience he/she has flying??


all the while you don't even remotely understand the first thing about how a plane works, let alone being able to comprehend anything about how to fly one.



so you start a thread claiming that vaccines are linked to higher rates of cancer in the US, just because you've found some bullshit information on the internet. yet all the while you don't know the first thing about how a vaccine works, what it does in the body, or even how a vaccine is administered in the first place. you have no idea what cancer is, how many types of cancer there are, and the infinitely wide range in how these cancers develop and attack the body.


if you're truly interested in learning how to fly the plane, i suggest you go to pilot (medical) school. judging by the fact that you can't get a simple math problem correct at the age of 27, you could potentially have some difficulty getting in/handling the coursework.:dumb:

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What about our Food and Lifestyle do you think? The FDA is supposed to mark all of our food safe. I would think the numbers for a developed country like ours should be way down, regardless of age.


Everything is processed, artificial and filled with chemicals. Our lifestyle, we're a society of pigs that eat and eat and eat all those processed foods. The FDA....and being a developing nation mean nothing. Do you really believe and trust the FDA? Do you really think anyone other than yourself really cares about your health? Follow the money......

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