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Legal auto issues...


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So ill start off by saying this is my girlfriends roommates boyfriend, not the smartest mother fucker.


So this kid god love him but he's a dumfuk, we will call him Joe. Joe has this friend Sam who he bought a car off of for X amount I would say around $2000. I guess how this buy went down was Joe needed a car and his friend Sam sold him one for what Sam owed left on it. The agreement was that Joe would purchase the car for the two grand, but in payments to Sam. Sam would take the money and pay off his loan.


This is where anyone with a spec of intelligence would go. :yuno: Joe pays off the car in payments and drives the car for about 8 or so months with the title in Sam's name (Joe clam's he didn't know how titles worked and it was just going to automatically be in his name after he started driving it)


After the 8 months the bank comes and repos the car, Joe goes to Sam asking why the loan wasn't paid and long story short Sam said its his car and he's keeping it. Even though the payment for the car was paid off Joe's shit out of luck.



Now im not to sure about small claims(or what kind of civil court) would do in this situation but I told him he is probably going to have to bite the bullet on this one and cut his loses. He says he has texts talking about the purchase and payments that have been confirmed and received, also he says he has witnesses for the spoken agreement.


What are his options, Where should he start? Even though im like :yuno: I still feel bad for him so if CR's legal team could help out that would be great.


Sorry so long.


Guy buys car without putting his name on title, original guy who's name is on title gets the car back and takes his money.

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WOW. The bank will win. This is like subleasing without the consent of the landlord, then getting mad when the new tenant doesnt make the payments.


seriously, NEVER take payments from anybody on anything. Ive had countless people try to buy my car via payments and i tell them no every time.


read this


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He still may have a case against "Sam", though he's sol on the car. As someone said above, bank gets to trump everything. As far as this Sam goes, how do people have fucking friends like this and not know them better?


Considering "Joe"'s intelligence level, I am not surprised.

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how did he have a title if he owed money to the bank?


No where did it state that he had the title in hand,


However, The credit union i got my car through set up my loan as unsecured so they allowed me to keep the title for insurance purposes.

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