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bathroom remodel (showing off my skills again)


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some of you have seen my guest bathroom in person and know how awesome it was. for those of you that haven't its stuck in the 70's. it had a chandler with a dimmer switch to match the mirrors with green sinks, tub and toilet with carpet.





after stripping it down i was left with a big hole from the old tub



got the floor repaired so i had a solid base.



when prepping for the shower install i found the original wall paper to the room.



also found another layer of gold, white and green paper



skip all the boring stuff to the finished stuff. since the room is 8x14 its a huge guest bathroom so i put in a corner tub and a shower to take up space.







note* i didn't paint the door, it is on my things to fix list along with the gold hinges on it.



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Did you see the old toilet?


That's a 4.5gpf toilet.



where in the burg are you at?


Off Taylor.

Very nice, man. My only complaint would be how close the toilet seems to be to the wall. I get very claustrophobic feeling on toilets that are too close to a wall or 'crammed' into a spot and it makes my poop a chore. :(


It just looks that way in the pictures there is a good 3 feet between the toilet and shower wall.

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He means on the side; I thought the same thing. Nothing you can do though, I don't think.


This. To your right as your sitting. Hell, even standing I may have to pee off center. I like a wide base. I'll be over later to test it all out for you and approve the changes later. ;)


Seriously, though. Very nice job.

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