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Survival theory


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Logic is something seemingly far from what you display on this forum. Logic would be you not logging in any more. Or, maybe just reading and not posting until you get the hang of it.



That would be the logical thing for you to do, since I have yet to see a post from you that offers anything of worth. You might are well post a period, . ,and hit submit reply. It's about the same value of the input I have seen from your posts.


Want simple logic? If you don't like what I post, put me on your ignore list. :dumb: Whining and bitching isn't going to change anything now is it?

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As far as survival in the given situation goes, I think it's funny everyone is saying to run for the rural areas. What happens when those areas become overcrowded because of mass amounts of people have the same idea you did? I'd rather prepare at my current location, you're going to stand a better chance fighting out through tough times in an area you know well. that being said, in my eyes the key to preparedness Includes not only weapons and supplies, but a trustworthy crew to stick with you and a secure household. A bomb shelter/ safehouse / fortress would be Ideal to keep unwanted people out, but realistically any secured area will do. give me motion activated floodlights, barbed wire, bars on windows, steel doors, plenty of weapons, ammo, food, and a few trustworthy crew members and I'd stay right where I'm at.
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As far as survival in the given situation goes, I think it's funny everyone is saying to run for the rural areas. What happens when those areas become overcrowded because of mass amounts of people have the same idea you did? I'd rather prepare at my current location, you're going to stand a better chance fighting out through tough times in an area you know well. that being said, in my eyes the key to preparedness Includes not only weapons and supplies, but a trustworthy crew to stick with you and a secure household. A bomb shelter/ safehouse / fortress would be Ideal to keep unwanted people out, but realistically any secured area will do. give me motion activated floodlights, barbed wire, bars on windows, steel doors, plenty of weapons, ammo, food, and a few trustworthy crew members and I'd stay right where I'm at.


Two pages late for being on topic, but at least you tried. Several options can work. And at all levels, need some of one thing or another. For that reason, there is not right or wrong to this. It was brought up to see where it would go and to see if people had thought through SHTF happening. Makes for interesting reading and showed me a little about people on here that I didn't know about them.


As for anything else, I refer you to the thread where you asked to see more pics of the guys wife. Or you can PM me.

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I'm more worried about over population of the planet. Which is a real and inevitable thing. :-/


If everyone in the world stood up we would all fit in LA, which is only about twice as large (land area) as Columbus. The world has ~149M km^2 of land. That over 7B people is only 46 people/km^2. Columbus population density is ~3,600 people/mi^2 for a reference. So no, overpopulation from a land sense isn't really an issue.


The real concern is energy and food. From that perspective we are already overpopulated IMHO for what the planet would have otherwise naturally supported.


Something will quell it at some point, it's just natural.

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I'm more worried about over population of the planet. Which is a real and inevitable thing. :-/

I see that as going hand-in-hand with the SHTF scenario. As population grows we become more dependent on the infrastructure. Any interruption to this supply chain (food, fuel, good, etc) could cause more widespread panic and more competition for the limited resources available locally.

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I see that as going hand-in-hand with the SHTF scenario. As population grows we become more dependent on the infrastructure. Any interruption to this supply chain (food, fuel, good, etc) could cause more widespread panic and more competition for the limited resources available locally.


I read somewhere that this was a legit, real problem. That we are increasingly dependant on a supply chain for food that any kink in the chain could leave people with bare shelves at grocery stores.


Sorry, dont remember who posted it here but they had a spot on point about how our societies grow dependant on being able to sustain itself. With every innovation in food storage or transportation our infrastructure becomes larger and more complex. I would love to someday buy a farm and be able to grow my own food and raise my own cattle but i've grown up in cities my whole life so thats not too realistic.


Something will quell it at some point, it's just natural.


EXACTLY! it always happens, has happened for generations. Something natural comes along to 'thin out the heard'. Influenza pandemic, natural disasters, etc... Thats why this topic may seem rediculous to some people but its not if you realistically think about it.

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Not going to quote all the good things in the last couple posts. There are great points made. Thinging things have a way of finding balance in the environment they in habit. Disasters and disease are likely events. Through this happening, people rekindle there willingness to help one another and are a stronger community after this. Think what 911 did for NYC.


Our energy source's and food are an issue I can't fathuem. What is our fix to running out. Could it ever come to a planet wide deligation of certain area's for "so much farming, here and here"? You can't deligate it to, say all of Ohio if now farming. Bad weather hits and you've lost the crops to feed that part of the nation. Understand, this is completely unrealistic. I'm posting it as a "what if", and to spur thought.


If everyone in the world stood up we would all fit in LA, which is only about twice as large (land area) as Columbus. The world has ~149M km^2 of land. That over 7B people is only 46 people/km^2. Columbus population density is ~3,600 people/mi^2 for a reference. So no, overpopulation from a land sense isn't really an issue.


Jesse, where the fuck do you find some of the info you post? Does someone post, and then you do the searching for good intel? Or, and I know you pretty well, is this shit you already have read and just go back to it sometimes? I love it.

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Jesse, where the fuck do you find some of the info you post? Does someone post, and then you do the searching for good intel? Or, and I know you pretty well, is this shit you already have read and just go back to it sometimes? I love it.


The LA thing I heard on NPR the other day when they were talking about this exact thing. I also knew the world population off of the top of my head... 'everyone' is freaked about about that number which is really only significant due to the number of fingers we have. It's actually not 7B yet but that's a nice round number and close enough for these conversations. The rest I looked up. Most of it is ideas I have is just due to what someone else posted, but I don't know the exact info so I look it up. Wiki and Google are amazing resources.

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EXACTLY! it always happens, has happened for generations. Something natural comes along to 'thin out the heard'. Influenza pandemic, natural disasters, etc... Thats why this topic may seem rediculous to some people but its not if you realistically think about it.


Maybe, I like to talk about 'mother nature' (not a sentient being) possibly doing this. With technology we've outgrown what this planet could otherwise naturally sustain. In any population you have an ebb and flow with the system it's contained within.


The population grows by birth.

Dies by starvation, not enough food will reduce the population until the population is in balance with the food supply.

Dies by predation, too many predators will reduce the population. Consequently the predator population will reduce due to starvation.


Populations can also get too large and be more effected by disease.


We've put un-natural systems in place that greatly reduce the effect of what we would normally perceive as the limiters to the human population. We have to start looking elsewhere to what will next effect us. In part it will be food and water but really that's limited by energy. And people think being conservative with energy is just some kind of hippy idea to make the air more clean. :lolguy:

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