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H.B. No. 352

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The ban of exotic pets!

this is bullshit


Band animals will be

(1) "Dangerous exotic animal" means any of the following:


(a) A large cat other than a cat commonly known as a house cat;


(b) A nonhuman primate, except a nonhuman primate that provides support or assistance for a mobility impaired person;


© An alligator;


(d) A crocodile;


(e) A constricting snake;


(f) A venomous snake;


(g) Any other animal designated by the chief in rules adopted under this section.







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Why is this bullshit? Most people that own these animals don't have the means to properly take care of them. If you wanna talk bullshit how about this one, its ok for you to own a Tiger, Lion ect in Ohio, but you own a pitbull and your a criminal. I disagree with the snake part though, you rarely here of a snake attack.


BTW how would you feel about this bill if the animals that escaped were running around your neighborhood?

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Why is this bullshit? Most people that own these animals don't have the means to properly take care of them. If you wanna talk bullshit how about this one, its ok for you to own a Tiger, Lion ect in Ohio, but you own a pitbull and your a criminal


It just isn't fair in my eyes. And i harbor a pitt, The most punk dog EVAR! lol he's cool love the lil dude

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Why is this bullshit? Most people that own these animals don't have the means to properly take care of them. If you wanna talk bullshit how about this one, its ok for you to own a Tiger, Lion ect in Ohio, but you own a pitbull and your a criminal



what proof do you have that owners dont care for them properly.


because one jack ass?


whats the difference between a wild animal and a gun?

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what proof do you have that owners dont care for them properly.


because one jack ass?


whats the difference between a wild animal and a gun?


It only takes 1 jackass to ruin it for everyone. This bill was on the books before this event happened. This event just opened up the eyes to everyone that it needed to be put into effect.


A gun has a trigger theres 1 difference, it requires bullets theres 2, its not a wild animal (3) and requires a license to purchase one (4)


It just isn't fair in my eyes. And i harbor a pitt, The most punk dog EVAR! lol he's cool love the lil dude


Yeah I have a pit as well, actually got him off a poster on here back in December. He has been one of the best dogs I have had as far as friendlyness and that goes. He is a punk about getting in the trash. I couldnt ask for a better dog around my 16month old son though, he just lays there and takes whatever the kid does to him lol.

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It only takes 1 jackass to ruin it for everyone. This bill was on the books before this event happened. This event just opened up the eyes to everyone that it needed to be put into effect.


A gun has a trigger theres 1 difference, it requires bullets theres 2, its not a wild animal (3) and requires a license to purchase one (4)




Yeah I have a pit as well, actually got him off a poster on here back in December. He has been one of the best dogs I have had as far as friendlyness and that goes. He is a punk about getting in the trash. I couldnt ask for a better dog around my 16month old son though, he just lays there and takes whatever the kid does to him lol.


Lol, yeah we have a friend who brings her kids over and they demolish him, well the girl does the boy is scared haha. A good recipe for a good pit is, other types of dogs and plenty of people, worked so far for gotti.

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You have to do a background check in order to buy a gun legally (shouldnt have used the word license I guess). If you want to keep exotic animals then start a zoo that is checked on monthly. There are certain things that should just be left to a professional. I remember a local family having a Kangaroo and thought it was pretty cool, there is a place on rt 37 that has a zebra, thats pretty harmless, but a wild cat and or bear that could rip anyone posting on this board to shreds is better left in its natural habitat or in a zoo.


BTW what exotic animal do you own?

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I just want them to regulate it more.. and I am not one to want the governmetn involved in my life.


The problem is that there is no permit process, there is no checking in on the people who own these, they need SOME sort of regulation to make sure things are being handled responsibly.

Im talking about the people who own TIGERS LIONS AND BEARS.


I know that response to this bill is a knee jerk reaction.. but something should be put in place as a safeguard.

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Lol, yeah we have a friend who brings her kids over and they demolish him, well the girl does the boy is scared haha. A good recipe for a good pit is, other types of dogs and plenty of people, worked so far for gotti.


Haha mine is named Capone, this is him as a pup the day we got him. I need to take a recent pic as he is a monster, packed full of nothing but muscle and a huge head lol.



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Right...that guy is obviously an idiot, therefore this conversation *should* stop on the grounds that its clear he speaks of things he doesnt know about


Do the words eat a dick mean anythign to you? Oh and don't you have to have a CCW to carry a gun on you, which is essentially a license, thanks for playing though, now back to munching on some cock you shall go

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"First they came for the exotic animal owners, and I didn't speak up because I don't own any exotic animals."


That's it. I'm not speaking up, because who the fuck wants to own a lion? Morons, that's who. I could give two shits about morons whining that the government's taking away their lions.

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